Chapter 7

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Lilly was trying on jack t-shirt it was too big and reviled most of her shoulders but sit fitted ok.

   ‘Jacks grown’ Lilac commented recalling how he had been taller then her when they had talked’ she added her belt sack and sighed at the familiar weight of her belt. She turned round to look at Rutilus’s back ‘you can look again now rutilus’ then added ‘hey are you going to come hunting with me?’ Rutilus turned to look at her eyes bright then bounded to the entrance of you cave ‘ill take that as a yes’ lilac muttered as she grabbed her bow and arrows from the pile of weapons. She jumped on to Rutiluses back and they lunched into the air.

Lilac looked down at the area below ‘were should we hunt? Should we hunt at bolder mountain or near the river Melissa’ rutilus turned in the direction of river Melissa ‘Ok, but remember to land far away other wise will scare the prey and might alert the village near’ Lilac recommended. Rutilus nodded his head then started to incline sharply and lilac braced her self on the leather saddle she had made for Rutilus not like one of those hard metal ones that the kings men used they were cruel and the dragon had their scales removed in the place were the saddle was placed on their back at a very young age. Lilac shuddered at the thought of Rutilus losing his scales, his beautiful red scales tinted with gold but then she focused on the ground that was getting closer at an alarming speed. Rutilus put his feet down as he came into contact with the earth and relaxed even though she had done that a lot of times it still gave her the heebie-jeebies. Lilac climbed off Rutiluses back and started to walk along the ground towards the river Melissa at the same time looking for animal’s tracks. She was about to investigate a track she had found when Rutilus snorted behind her loudly ‘What?’ She muttered angrily but looked up to see Rutilus pointing his head towards the direction of the village and as she looked closer she saw smoke rising too big to be a little fire. ‘Let’s go check it out just in case’ she told Rutilus then shot off towards the village. As they got closer to the village they could her yelling and screaming the sky was grey with smoke. As she burst into the open the smell of smoke increased and she looked up to see a long thatch building on fire. Lilac looked round to see villages standing around throwing what water they had on the house but the flames just seemed to get bigger. Lilac heard screaming and shouting from all around her but one scream stood out the most ‘My child, My child’s in their!’ immediately lilac sprang into action grabbing a bucket of water from someone and tipping it over her whole body then turning towards ‘get water’ she ordered them turned and sprinted through the half burned door. Inside pieces of wood were falling from the ceiling and the smoke was almost suffocating. Lilacs heart ponded against her ribs as she listened for the child. Then she heard it the faint muffled crying, sprinting towards the sound till se came to the child her leg was stuck under a beam of wood I’ve got to be quick its getting hotter in here she thought now lilac could feel the water on her evaporating and her skin getting hotter. She grabbed the end of the beam and tried to pick it up but it was just too heavy. She looked around and saw a long thick metal pole perfect lilac thought grabbing the pole then wedged it under the beam at this the girl stopped crying and started to whimper ‘Its…cough...ok’ she tried to reassure the girl then pushed all her weight onto the pole lifting the beam up just enough to pull the girl out. Lilac lifted the girl into her arms and ran towards the door dogging the fallen beams and bursting out into the open. Lilac looked up too see the girls mother come running up to her, the woman kissed lilacs cheek in thanks still sobbing then took her child and started to walk away but something wasn’t right. As if reading Lilac thought the king’s knights appeared from no-were all weapons pointing towards her ‘damn’ she muttered under her breath and reached for her bow and arrow but froze when she heard the words ‘stop right their’ at this lord Duncan appeared from the swarm of knights and grabbed the girl lilac had just saved ‘or the girl dies’ Lilac looked at the mother of the child who was looking at her with pleading eyes. Lilac slowly glanced around she could probably beat these knight but would not get to the girl in time. With a sigh lilac dropped her bow and arrows on the ground and raised her hands. ‘Well that was easy’ lord Duncan taunted while striding forward and grabbing lilac slim arms with his cold bony hand and twisted her arms behind her back then clicked on the hand cuffs. ’Time for you to meet the king’ Lord dunce chuckled pushing lilac towards his horse when there was aloud roar from over to her left and she spotted Rutilus covered in shackles ‘Rutilus!’ she cried trying to run towards him but lord Duncan restrained her ‘Don’t worry he’s coming with us’ Lord Duncan whispered menacingly in her ear.

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