Chapter 11

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Lilac stood there her mouth hanging open while the king and Duncan discussed the date and arrangement. Finally she found her voice ‘No way am I marrying a complete stranger’ who’s probably as nasty as Duncan she stopped her voice from adding.

    ‘You can get to know him in your dragon care lesson he’s a dragon knight.’ Lord Duncan replied with a smirk his face turned away from the oak desk so the king couldn’t see his face.

     ‘Sorry but if you want you boy shredded he can come rutilus will be happy to oblige’ lilac smirked back this caused the king to sigh making lilac look at him in worry

     ‘Daughter your new dragon isn’t rutilus its twirl and glamor dragon’ the king explained

     ‘No way am I not having rutilus back he’s my best friend’ her voice getting louder and more angry. Lord Duncan put his hands mockingly out to calm her down

      ‘Don’t worry he’s in good hands and you will be able to see him after you are married as he is my sons dragon now he is going to have his saddle removing ceremony next week after he has got used to his new home’ at the thought of Rutiluses scaled being ripped of his back something in her snapped.

   ‘I am not letting Rutilus be saddled, I am not marrying and I am not staying here!’ she shouted then turned and left slamming the door behind her.

She was still fuming when she got back to her room and didn’t notice the figure by the bed till she had grabbed some cloth that would be good to keep when she escaped. A chuckle from the bed made her jump in surprise and whip around towards the direction of the sound ‘wow lilac less then a day in here and your already becoming soft!’ teased the voice and lilac relaxed as she recognized it

      ‘Come out Jake’ lilac demanded she was in a foul mood and didn’t feel like playing games. Jake stepped out of the shadows a grin still on his face ‘Is that the way you treat a fellow friend who’s come to get you out?’ lilac looked him now and grinned

     ‘You know a way out?’ she asked excitedly jakes face changed to mockingly hurt

      ‘My job is to steal from here you underestimate me!’ lilac was already heading for the door

       ‘Lets go!’ Jake caught up with her stopping her by grabbing her arm

       ‘Wow there trigger it thought you might want these’ her produced a t-shirt and shorts making lilac smile

     ‘I could kiss you right now but I’m going to have to stay in this stupid dress so not to rise suspicions’ Jake looked at her clothes

      ‘I’ve never seen you in a dress in never thought too but that’s a good get up who put it together?’ dawning suddenly appeared on her face

     ‘Rosie, I need to go tell her not to worry about me’ With that lilac walked outside indicating for Jake to stay in the room ‘Also do you know how to get to the Riding stables from here’ Jake shook his head

    ‘Never needed to steal a dragon before,’ he explained but looked up to see lilac was already half way down the hall so he just shrugged and went back into the bedroom closing the door behind him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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