Chapter 9

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After a long stunned silence the king clapped his hands breaking everyone out of the trance even lilac who shut her mouth that had being hanging open like a letter box caught in the wind let out a bitter laugh ‘no going to happen she muttered under her breath’

‘unchain my girl and bring her to my office after she has cleaned up!’ and with one more loving look at lilac he strode out of the room Lord Duncan already at his heels already trying to change the kings mind with puny excuses like ‘even if she was your daughter it will take years for her to become a respectable princess!’ the kings simple reply which left Lord Duncan in silence was ‘Its better to have a princess then non.’

      Lilac rolled her eyes at this and rubbed her wrists gingerly as the brown haired knight she had made eyes contact with unlocked her cuffs then turned to her ‘Nice too meet you your Highness I’m Toby and these are my fellow knights Tyler, Bruce and Liam.’ Lilac nodded her head to all of them but Tyler didn’t acknowledge her greeting and Bruce looked at her uncertainly ‘Don’t call me you highness call me Lilac.’ And when everyone but Toby marched of she muttered ‘I’m not planning to be here long’. Toby must have hear her because he replied

   With a grin ‘Well that’s good because other wise you will have to deal with lord Duncan’ lilac tried to joke back by saying ‘well I think I’m safe as long as her doesn’t have a son my age’ but Toby stopped smiling at this and walked to the door ‘come on lets get you to your room.’ And after a few minutes of turning down so many corridors lilac lost count they came to a door and toby opened it and told her ‘I leave you here, Rosie your maid is inside waiting for you’ with a bow he left down the corridor they had come from then looked back and added ‘see you at the R.stables later’ then was gone. Lilac smiled she could get used o that guy being her friend then she turned and walked into her new room.

It was massive with a four-poster bed, a dressing table and another door leading to presumably the bathroom but other then that the room was empty. Lilac then notices a year younger then her standing in the shadows of her bed. ‘I can see you, come on out’ at this the girl stepped out of the shadows she had a stick thin body which matched long black hair and a small narrow face that would have looked scary if not for her big wide innocent eye which looked at Lilac in fear causing lilac to giggle ‘Its ok I bet im not as evil as everyone’s told you’ this took some of the fear out of Rosies eyes and she replied but saying ‘His Highness has told meet to get you clean please come with me your Highness’ lilac responded with

       ‘Call me lilac’ and followed her over to the other door which did lead into a bathroom that had a bath tube full with warm water. As she started to undress she realized Rosie was no making a move from the exit so she told her ‘I’m ok on my own thank you,‘ then with some hesitation added ‘you are dismissed,’ after Rosie left she had a long soaky bath then walked back into her room in just a towel and called for Rosie who appeared as if from air with a thick dress on her arms. Lilac took one look at the dress and refused to wear and asked If she had any shorts and t-shirts

    ‘Sorry Lilac we don’t have any s..shorts and  t-shirts but I do have this’ she handed a short sleeve dress that stopped at her knees, it was the color of the sea, a dark blue and it was plain except for a brown belt and some boots designed for dragon riding. With one look in the mirror lilac exclaimed ‘perfect’ then gave Rosie a hug and told her ‘I think I’m going to like having you around’ then she tied her hair in a pony tail and asked Rosie to show her the ‘Kings’ office.

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