Chapter 3

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Lord Duncan’s knight’s rode up to the carriage inside was two women and a child. They checked the sky for a trace of the red bandit and her dragon but they were gone with out a trace. Lord Duncan walked up to the to woman who still looked shaken by the ordeal but found it weird how the little girl was smiling playing with a necklace round her neck. Lord Duncan was tall and gangly with no hair and cold grey eyes ‘so what did the red bandit take?’ he asked them in a hard commanding voice

     ‘A…all of our valuables,’ the oldest of the woman explained. Lord Duncan’s eyes darted to the little girls necklace

    ‘What’s your name little girl?’ he asked

    ‘Catherine, sir’ the girl replied looking at her shoes

     ‘And why didn’t the red bandit take your necklace?’ he asked

     ‘Because I told her it was from my dad, who’s dead’ Catherin stuttered. Lord Duncan reached forward and fiddled with the necklace

     ‘It’s a very pretty necklace…’ he added then suddenly ripped it from the chain Catherin cried out ‘that’s why I think I will keep it’ he laughed a haunting laughed as he walked away. When he and his knights were galloping back to the castle he held the necklace up to the sky and muttered ‘so there is some feeling in the bandits heart, well if the red bandit doesn’t need it then I don’t’ and with this he chucked the necklace on the ground and galloped off towards the kings castle.

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