Chapter Fourteen

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Tamara's POV

   My date with Taylor was still fresh in my mind was still fresh on my mind although it had been a week ago. My heart still pounded in my chest when I thought about the way he had kissed me. I had let myself go and it made me feel weak and vulnerable. I let him get too close. I didn't need a Mate. I didn't want a Mate. He would only hurt me like everyone else did.

   I managed to survive my second week at school and I also managed to avoid Taylor the whole week. I don't know how the hell I did it, but I did. At first I had considered skipping the week but knew that Taylor would come and find me. There was no point anyway. I was beginning to get the hand of things. My reading and writing were improving more and more everyday thanks to Lilly and I really didn't want to give my perseverance up.

   I was almost back home on Friday when I saw the Porsche pull up next to me. And I thought I had gotten away with it. I sighed already knowing why he was here. He was an Alpha and naturally the Mating pull was stronger. Yes, I was the daughter of an Alpha but I had learnt how to control my wolf's urges.

"You've been avoiding me, Tammy," he whispered into my ear. I hadn't realised he had gotten out of the car let alone began walking with me. I whipped around and threw my fist in the direction of the voice. I felt my hand connect with his face and watched as he fell to the floor. "Ow, shit," Taylor groaned. I knelt on the floor beside Taylor and placed my hand gently on the side of his face.

"Jesus Christ, Taylor. I'm so sorry, you just caught me by surprise. Oh God, I didn't mean to hurt you," I rushed out.

"Don't worry about it, Tammy. It's my own fault, I should have given you more of a warning," he said. "Anyway, I'm impressed. You pack quite a punch." I giggled softly. I was a rogue, what did he expect, I had to protect myself. He lifted a hand and gingerly touched his face where I had hit him. There was a slight trace of blood on his fingertips. He looked at his fingers and laughed. "Wow, you really do know how to cause damage."

"Come with me. I'll get you cleaned up," I told him. I stood up and offered him my hand. He grabbed hold of it and pulled himself up. I turned and began to pull Taylor towards the cabin. Taylor tugged on my hand, spinning me round and pulling me into his chest. He gripped my waist holding me against him. His lips came down on mine causing a jolt of pleasure to run through me. Damn, why did he make me feel like this with a simple kiss. I tried to resist reacting to him but soon found myself with my arms wrapped around his neck and my lips moving in time with his. I do not need nor want a Mate, I chanted over and over again in my head.

But you do; you know you do. You know you want to jump his bones, my wolf interjected, being as helpful as she ever is.

I DO NOT! I screamed at her internally.

You know that's not true, she said.

   I gained my sense and pushed Taylor away. I turned and again began to pull him towards my cabin without saying a word. Why am I so stupid sometimes? I pushed open the door and walked across the room and opened the other door pulling Taylor into the bathroom. As he looked around his eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. The bath, sink and toilet all have a yellow tinge and are covered with mould. The mirror hangs on the wall at an incredibly slanted angle, has a green tinge to it and moss has started to grow over the edges. The walls are covered in mould and are rotting horribly. They used to be a white colour but now look black. I sat Taylor on the toilet seat and went over to the cupboard which once hung on the wall but now sat in the corner. I pulled out a ragged old piece of material and took it over to the sink, running it under the cold tap. I turned the tap off and went over to Taylor. I placed the rag on the bruise that was beginning to form along his cheek bone causing him to flinch slightly. I applied slightly more pressure and he yelled out in pain. "Oh, stop being such a baby," I snapped.

"I'm not being a baby, it hurts," he whined.

"You think that hurts, try having some of the beatings I've had," I said. Oh shit, I shouldn't have said that. I really shouldn't have said that. I felt Taylor's body tense up, his eyes flashing with anger. "I-I-I mean, you should try having some of the injuries I've had. Being a rogue has been difficult, especially when it comes to defending myself. I've come out with all sorts of injuries," I said, trying desperately to cover up what I had just admitted to him.  

"It must be difficult. You must have had a great deal of injuries which were a lot worse than mine. I'm so sorry," Taylor said quietly. He dropped it. He didn't ask me what I had meant; didn't question me about my slip up and for that I was beyond grateful. I noticed he seemed to be shaking with rage, with anger; he was trying to control himself. I knew why, of course I did. I knew he really wanted to ask me about it, he wanted to know who had harmed his Mate, but he knew I couldn't tell him right now and he respected that fact.

"Thank you," I whispered. I leant my head down to his and let my lips lightly brush against his. He shivered slightly, cupped my face with his hands and brought my lips back down to his. I slipped my arms around his neck and sighed into the kiss. Taylor smiled against my lips which, in turn, had me smiling as well. Taylor ran his tongue along my bottom lip asking for access which I granted without a second thought. In that moment everything was just the way it should be. If only I could live in that moment forever.

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