Chapter Sixteen

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Taylor's POV

   My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. My Mate was a shifter. Not only that, but her wolf was white. The two rarest things in the world of werewolves; a female shifter and a white wolf. My Mate was both. How could she not have told me? Why did she lie to Adelaide?

   I fucked up big time with her. She was beginning to trust me and I fucked up by starting our recurring argument. God, I can be such a prick. I packed up the picnic and headed back towards the Pack house figuring that Tammy would need some time to calm down. After the way I behaved today I'd be surprised if she ever talked to me again. I could only hope.

   When I got back to the Pack house I flung the picnic basket on the work surface in the kitchen and stormed up to my room completely and utterly pissed off with none other than myself. Again.

   There was a soft knock on the door and Ryan came into the room. "That bad?" he asked.

"You have no idea," I told him.

"Try me."

   So I told him about everything from the food up until the point where Tamara ran from me. What I failed to mention was her ability to shift, she obviously didn't want people to know about it. Ryan stared at me in wonder once I'd finished, his eyes wide. "You are such a tosser," Ryan said.

"Ryan," I scolded. "Do think that that's appropriate language to be using towards your Alpha?" I asked using my authoritative voice.

"N-no Alpha," Ryan stuttered.

"But you're right; I am a tosser," I confessed. "I'm just too stupid to see it most of the time."

"Don't worry yourself too much. She'll come and see you once she's calmed down. If she doesn't you go and see her. It'll be fine," Ryan reassured.

"I hope your right, because I couldn't bare to lose her."

"Wow, she's got you whipped."

"Oh piss off." I scowled at Ryan as he walked out of the room but as soon as he left a smile slipped onto my lips.


Alpha, Callum sent through the mind link. There's a girl here to see you. My heart started pounding in my chest. Has she come to see me? But she's a rogue. Definitely her, I only knew one female rogue and that was Tamara.

I'll be down in a minute, I replied to him cheerfully. I bolted from my room, down the stairs to come face to face with Tammy, who looked horrendous. She was wrapped in nothing but one of her thin felt blankets. Her tiny form was shivering violently and she looked as though she was about to pass out. "I have a bit of a problem," she whispered.

"Are you okay?" I asked. "You don't look so good."

"I don't feel so good." Her body began to sway slightly and I saw her knees buckle. I caught her in my arms before she hit the floor and held her body close to mine. Callum looked at me a confused expression on his face.

"Get a glass of water and bring it to my room," I ordered callum.

"Yes Alpha," he replied.

   I jogged up the stairs with Tammy in my arms. What the hell had happened to her? I lay her on my bed and pulled the covers over her to keep her freezing body warm. It wasn't enough. Her body still jerked viciously underneath the covers. Callum, I linked. Bring some extra blankets and duvets up as well.

   I sat on the edge of the bed next to Tammy and carefully ran my thumb along her bottom lip. Her face was ghostly white, her lips tinged blue with cold around the edges. She looked so fragile and vulnerable, and ever so ill. I pulled my mobile out of my pocket and dialled Adelaide's number. "Hello," Adelaide said.

"I need you here, now," I said sternly, letting some desperation into my voice.

"It's Tammy isn't it," Adelaide stated rather than asked.

"Yes Adelaide, it's Tammy. Please Adelaide. I need your help."

"I'm already on my way," she told me. I sighed with relief. I trusted Adelaide. I knew she'd take good care of Tammy.

   Callum came in with two glasses of water followed by Ryan who bought a double duvet and several thick blankets. "How is she?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know," I said honestly. I took the duvet and blankets from him, pulling back my duvet covers to wrap the blankets around Tammy's still shivering form. Once I'd done that I pulled the duvet back throwing the second duvet on top. "I just hope she's okay."

"She'll be fine," Ryan reassured.

"What's so special about her? She's just a filthy rogue," Callum said. Ryan's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. Before I even had to time to think about what I was doing I had Callum pinned to the wall by his throat.

"Don't you dare speak about my Mate like that again. Do you understand?" I yelled. "She is anything but a 'filthy rogue'." I let Callum go and he slumped to the floor his hand instantly finding his throat.

"Sorry Alpha," Callum whispered. "I didn't realise she was your Mate."

"No, you didn't," I snapped.

   Adelaide ran through the door, her face slightly flushed. She had a large bag in her hand which, I knew from experience, held a vast assortment of medical equipment and supplies. "I got here as fast as I could," Adelaide said.

"Thank-you Adelaide. Is there anything you need?" I asked.

"Just some space. I need you all to leave."

"Adelaide, I'm not going anywhere."

"Come on Taylor. You know I wouldn't ask you to leave unless it was absolutely necessary. I'm sorry."

"Please Adelaide," I begged.

"I'm sorry, but again, I'm going to need you to leave," Adelaide said.

"Okay. I'll leave. If she wakes up you come and get me. If there's anything wrong with her you come and get me. Do you understand?" I asked using my Alpha authority.

"Of course Taylor. Now get out." I reluctantly left the room, leaving Adelaide to tend to Tammy. I just hoped Tammy was okay. I needed her to be okay.

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