Chapter Six

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Taylor's POV

     Why wasn't she here? She was supposed to be here. I'd waited and waited and now I could take it no longer. It was approaching lunch and she still wasn't here. When she wasn't here first thing I thought that maybe she'd turn up late but now I realised that she had no intention of turning up at all. Why was I even bothered? She'd... rejected me.

Don't say that. You are bothered and you know why, because she is our mate. She does want you, she just doesn't realise it yet.

I tried to ignore my wolf. I didn't need his opinion right now. I just had to try and accept the fact that I had been rejected, yet, I didn't want to. Deep down I knew she didn't mean it, I knew that if she got to know me she would change her mind. It would take time and effort on my account but it would be worth it to have my mate.

   When the lunch bell finally rang I didn't give a second thought about what I was going to do. I walked to my car, got in and headed towards my mate.


I didn't even bother to knock on the door. "Let me the fuck in, Tamara," I shouted. A scream came from inside. Oh God, I'd scared her. That was the last thing I had wanted to do. I was already messing this up.

"Jesus Christ, Taylor," Tamara scolded as she opened the door. "You nearly gave me a heart attack." Her hair was a mess, she had dark circles under her eyes and sleep in her eyes which she was gently wiping away. It was obvious that I had just woken her up.

"I'm sorry, Tamara," I said, and I meant it. When an Alpha apologises to you, you he means it.

"What the hell do you want?" She asked.

"To get to know you. May I come in?" I asked politely and advanced towards Tamara. She began to close the door but I put my hand in the way and said, "nice try, but you're not getting rid of me that easily." I walked into the cabin and closed the door behind myself.

   Over the past few day I had been trying to kid myself; convincing myself that the cabin wasn't as bad as it looked, but seeing it again bought back the reality of just how awful it really was. I looked over at Tamara, the pain I felt for her clearly showing in my eyes.  And then I took in her. Her body was shivering vigorously with cold. She looked even thinner than she had done a few days ago. Her hair was matted and she was wearing the same clothes as she had been wearing the other day. My eyes kept scanning her body and I noticed that her hands were still bandaged.

"Listen, Taylor. You can stay here as long as you're prepared to play nice. Say or do anything which I find inappropriate and you're out. You got that?"

"I understand. How did you hurt your hands?" I asked.

"You don't miss a thing do you?" she asked. "I was walking through the woods and tripped. It just ripped the skin a little, that's all."

"Why is it taking so long to heal?" I couldn't help my questions.

"My healing isn't as fast as other werewolves, unfortunately for me," she answered.

"Can I take a look?" I asked, hoping no to overstep the line.


"To check for infection," I said simply. She slowly unwrapped the bandages and held her hands towards me. I took her freezing hands in mine and looked at the palms. "Jesus Christ," I said under my breath. I ran my thumbs over her palms and saw her wince slightly. I took the bandages from her and re-wrapped them around her hands. "Get your coat, I'm taking you to my Pack Doctor," I told her, not giving her the opportunity to object.

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