Chapter Nineteen

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Tamara's POV

Taylor pulled into the garage back at the pack house. He really had spoilt me rotten today. I actually rather enjoyed it after years of having barely anything. It was nice to be able to go out and uy whatever I wanted without having to worry about whether I would be able to afford to eat. It was something I never thought I would be able to do. Still, I couldn't help but feel like a charity case.

   "You spent too much money on me," I told Taylor.

"You're worth it," Taylor replied, placing a quick kiss on my lips.

"Really?" I asked.

"You know you are. You're worth everything to me," Taylor said. I unbuckled my seat belt and climbed into Taylor's lap.

"Do you know how you make me feel when you say things like that to me?"

"Tell me."

"I feel like the happiest girl alive, you make me feel..." I blushed as I realised where my train of thought was heading.

"Oh, I can imagine how I make you feel baby," Taylor whispered making shivers run down my spine. I rested my head oh his shoulder and sighed in contentment. 

"You can be such a cocky ass sometimes Taylor, you know that right?"

"Yeah, I know, but I really couldn't care less."  

"Try harder," I said smiling. I pushed open the car door and climbed out. Taylor followed me out and around to the boot to collect the shopping. Fucking hell this really was a lot. I grabbed half of the bags and Taylor, the other half. He closed the boot and began to walk towards the house. When we reached the door Taylor turned around to me and gently placed his lips against mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, the bags in his hands hitting the back of my legs. "Thank you for an amazing day," I mumbled against his lips.

"Your most welcome," he replied. "Come on, let's go in. No doubt we'll suffer under an inquisition from my little sister. She can be such a joy," Taylor said sarcastically.

"I never noticed," I said innocently.

"Of course you didn't."

"No, I didn't." 

"Sure," Taylor whispered as he opened the door.

   We entered the house and headed straight for Taylor's room only to be met by Kat on the way.

"Where have you been?" Kat asked.

"Um, shopping," Taylor replied holding the shopping bags up.

"You went clothes shopping without me?"

"Yes, Kat. Get over it, it's not the end of the world."

"Well, we'll see about that. Lilly," Kat shouted.

"What?" Lilly asked.

"Taylor, took, Tammy, clothes shopping and he didn't invite us," Kat told Lilly.

"You better run, Taylor, because I am going to rip your balls off and superglue them to your forehead," Lilly said angrily as she emerged from her room. I noticed that she was actually holding a tube of superglue.

"Listen, Katherine, Lilly, there's no need to be like this. How about I take all three of you out this weekend. You three can go clothes shopping and I can go relax and eat ice-cream," Taylor suggested. Kat and Lilly turned to each other and shrugged.

"You've got yourself a deal," Kat said before disappearing into her room with Lilly. I've got to say that was the weirdest encounter I have experienced in my life. I turned to Taylor, silently asking for an explanation, but all I got in return was a look from him which said, 'I don't even know.'

   When we reached Taylor's room I dumped the bags on the floor, kicked my shoes off and climbed into Taylor's bed feeling exhausted. I closed me eyes and began drifting. "Come on, Tammy. You can sleep later," Taylor said softly.

"I'm not sleeping, I'm resting my eyes," I mumbled.

"At least come and get something to eat before you go to sleep," Taylor reasoned.

"Okay, but, on one condition."

"What's that?"

"Strawberries," I said.

"Strawberries?" Taylor asks, slightly confused.


"You want strawberries?"

"Yes, I would like strawberries."

"Come on then, Tammy. Let's get you some strawberries."


   I sat on Taylor's bed with a mug of hot chocolate and a small bowl of strawberries. Taylor was sat at his desk working on the Pack's finances. I actually didn't mind watching him work. His muscles fleedx beneath his shirt as he wrote, his face clearly showing concentration. I popped the last strawberry into my mouth and finished my hot chocolate before grabbing a pair of pyjamas that Taylor had bought for me today. I went into the bathroom, brushed my teeth and changed into my pyjamas.

   I emerged from the bathroom and headed straight for the bed. Strong arms encircled my waist from behind and pulled me into a rock hard chest. "Good night, Sweetheart," Taylor whispered.

"Good night, Taylor," I whispered back. I turned around in his arms, stood on the tip of my toes and pressed my lips against his. "Come get into bed with me?" I asked.

"Of course I will," Taylor said. Taylor moved over to the bed, pulled back the covers and climbed in. I climbed in after him and moved into his open arms, resting my head on his chest.

"I'm sorry for my first impressions of you, Taylor. I was wrong. You're a good person and I'm proud to call you my Mate," I told Taylor.

"You have no idea how much that means to me, Tammy; to hear you say that. Thank you," Taylor said.

"You don't need to thank me, Taylor. It's an honor to be your Mate. Now, let me sleep."

"Alright. Sweet dreams, darling," Taylor said. I closed my eyes and fell asleep almost instantly.

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