Chapter 3: The time has come.

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Three Hours Later

"Alright Pups, time for bed!" Ryder shouts.

All the pups go to there pup houses, thinking tomorrow would be another normal day. But, they were wrong.

Marshall pov.

So, it has been an hour since everyone has gone to sleep. They are most likely gonna think that I'm here tomorrow. 

"Heh, well, they're gonna be wrong because by the morning I'll be long gone from Adventure Bay. I'll just be Marshall, the ordinary pup. I ain't gonna be part of no Paw Patrol or Fire Pup. I'm just gonna be a pup that can talk." I say, not trying to wake anybody up.

As I'm walking around, I hear whispering from Chase's pup house. Great. I thought. He is most likely talking about me with some other pup. 

He snuck up to chase's pup house to hear Chase and Skye talking.

Did you hear that Marshall rammed head first into the elevator? Chase said.

I did. I can't believe he did that. You think he would be dead because of all of these head injuries. Skye said.

That's all I had to hear. I just walked over to my pup house and said " Ruff. FireTruck!"

My pup house turned into my fire truck. I hopped in and drove away. Once I pulled out of my parking spot, I left the note I wrote earlier in my parking spot, taped to the ground so it didn't blow away. Then, I disabled the tracking device on my puptag. Then I drove away. Once I hit the bridge though, I thought for a minute. Am I doing the right thing? Oh, of course, I'm doing the right thing. If I stay there, they're just gonna keep laughing at my clumsiness. 

"Goodbye Lookout. You were a Good home. Until now." I say.

As I drive around time, I say goodbye to the beach, Mr. Porter's Restaurant, Town Hall, and Farmer Yumi and Al's farm.

 After driving for a while, I stop and say " Goodbye Adventure Bay, hope you enjoy life without me."

Then I continue driving, even after I see the Hope you enjoyed your time in Adventure Bay.

"I guess I never will be able to tell Everest my feelings."


Sorry about that, I just had to do it. What will happen next? Will Marshall head back? or will he keep going? You have to find out next time on "The pain that comes with life. A Paw Patrol Fanfiction". See ya later.

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