Chapter 8: Nightmares that kill our souls

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Marshall pov

After I fall asleep, I wake up to find myself laying in the yard of the lookout. I was surprised since I expected my dream to be from the past. Anyways, I stand up and walk towards the Lookout when I see vehicles coming towards the Lookout. It's my Fire Truck, Chase's Police Car and Ryder's ATV. 

I'm confused. I thought. What is going on? 

I follow myself to my *former* parking spot. I see myself back up super slowly, and then I see myself jump out of my truck and head to the lookout. As I move to the Lookout, I hear the voices of my *former* teammates. 

  "Ok, I'll just hear what they're talking about before I go in," My dream self says.

As soon as he says that, I start running as fast as I can away from the Lookout. But I keep hearing their voices, no matter how far I run.

  "Like, does he even think. I think he only has Stupidity and jokes going through his head." 

" If anybody has a crush on that pup, there crazy. Like seriously, he's doing stupid things to your left, right, and all around ya."

The thoughts keep swarming my head until I wake up screaming. Luckily, its nighttime, so nobody heard it. 

"Ok, I think I should get back on the road again.

I hop back into my truck and start driving, driving to the American Border.

Everest pov

 I was sad. No, I wasn't sad. I was depressed. Not just Depressed, but depressed and Angry. Angry because of My friends making my crush, Marshall, run away. And I was depressed because Marshall ran away. Ugh, I hate life some days.  Why can't my life be normal? When I get back to Jake's Cabin, I don't say a word. I don't even say hi. 

"Everest, is something wrong? Jake said. I didn't respond. I was just that sad. Sad that I couldn't find Marshall. I knew that Jake could see the sadness on my face. I just didn't want to speak.

"Everest, what happened?" 

"Nothing Jake." 

"Everest, you can't lie to me. I can see the sadness on your face. Now, just tell me what's wrong."

"Ugh. I hate to say this, but Marshall ran away." 

That's when Jake's eyes exploded. "What did you just say?" 

"Marshall . . . ran away."


"Yeah, I'm as mad as you," I say.

The pain that comes with life. A Paw Patrol FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now