Chapter 1. Just a Regular Day.

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It was a beautiful Summer day in Adventure Bay. The Birds were chirping, the kids were playing (because it Summer Break!), and the parents were off to work.

Chase pov

"Everybody, Wake up, Breakfast is Ready!" I Shouted. Me being the leader of the Paw Patrol, always woke up early so the pups could get to there usual jobs of helping Adventure Bay (Plus, he get more play time) if we called to duty.

"Ugh, why you have to wake us up so early Chase, I was having an awesome dream." Said Marshall.

"Would you rather be awake or asleep if an emergency arises?" I Asked.

"Awake." Said Marshall, knowing Chase was right.

"Right Answer," I Said, as he walked over to Skye's Pup house.

Ugh, I Thought, Will I ever be able to Tell her that I like her. Like, she's so Pretty. She would never like a pup like me.

"Skye, time to wake up!" I Shouted at Skye's Pup House.

"Five more minutes." Mumbled Skye.

"Skye, you have to get up now!" I Shouted.

Skye stood up, open the door and said" FINE! I'm up! You happy?"

"Yes," I Say. " Now, you go get some Breakfast while I wake up the others."

Skye pov

"Ok," I say as I head to the lookout. 

Will I ever be able to tell him that I like him? I thought. I sigh and just started walking to the lookout.

As soon as I get into the lookout, my puptag goes off.

"Paw Patrol, to the Lookout!"Ryder shouted into the puptag.

"Ryder needs us!" I shout as I run into the elevator.

"Hey, where's Marshall?" Asks Rubble

"Look out!" Shouts Marshall, balancing on a skateboard.

As soon as he enters the elevator, everyone flips up in the air and lands on top of Marshall, except Skye and Chase, who are on top of each other, noses touching.

Oh god, our noses are touching. I thought. Should I tell him? Nah, I'll tell him later.

"Sorry," I say.

"It's ok," Chase Says.

They stand up as the elevator goes up. They get their uniforms on and jump out of the elevator as soon as the doors open.

Chase pov

"Paw Patrol, ready for action Ryder sir," I say.

The TV screen changes over to an animated version of Adventure Bay.

"Thanks for hurrying pups," Ryder says. "Katie just woke up to find Cali missing. She has no idea where she could be."

The pain that comes with life. A Paw Patrol FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now