Chapter 3

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Bloods POV

     "DICK! WAKE! UP!" Chad mentally screamed at me. I jumped up hitting my head on a machine that was wired to my body.

     "Owwww, Shut up Chad." I say. I then get a looks at where I am. This was not my hidey hole. And there were others in the room. The room was obviously a medical area. It had cases of medicine and needles all over the counter top.

     The others in the room looked at my in surprise.   It was the stupid kiddy league. "Uhhhhh of course they got me, stupid I knew someone else was there." Dick scolded himself.

     "Dick this may be a good thing, they could help you." Cheryl spoke, thought ( hows that work if your a voice in a head )

     "Shut up Cheryl! They got us they don't wanna help us they wanna interrogate us then throw us in jail!" Chad yelled. Chad was right to I shot a glare that matched Batman's at the team.

Normal POV

     Blood-Wing suddenly shot up. He hit his head on the heart rate monitor.

     "Owwww, Shut up Chad." He said. What the heck was he talking about. He looked around the room trying to figure out where he was. When he fixed his gaze on the team. And shot a glare that could scare Batman.

     "Hello Blood-Wing." Batman called from the opposite side of the room.

     "Hiya Batman, Team." Blood-Wing replied. His body radiating with annoyance. "Well thanks for the forced nap, but I think I should be getting home. My family might be worried." I mean it wasn't a total lie. His 'family' was worried about him, his crazy head voices were worried about how crazy he was.

     Blood stood up and made his way to the door. No one stopped him.

     "Hmmm there not stopping you Dick, start running!" Chad suggested. Dick did that, but was stopped by Black Canary who was right outside the door.

     "Damn, it's was worth a shot." Blood shrugged as he was turned towards an interrogation room.

     "Told you we were gonna be interrogated." Chad whined.

     "Shut up Chad." Dick whispered. He got a confused glance from both Batman and Black Canary. He shrugged.

     They eventually got to the boring interrogation room. It had a table and three chairs in it. The walls a boring shade of grey, and a large 1-way pane of glass.

     "Love what you've done with the place Bats." Blood said.

     "Sit." Batman commanded.

     "I am not a dog Batman." Blood put a hand over his heart to be dramatic, but sat down. "Alright Batman, what is your real name?" Blood interrogated.

     "What are you doing?" Batman questioned.

     "This is an interrogation room, so I'm interrogating you." Blood answered. Batman sighed.

     "Blood just answer my questions and this'll be easy." Batman stated.

     "Hmmm Okay." Blood responded.

     "What is your name." Batman asked.

     "Blood-Wing." Blood answered.

     "Your real name."

     "Don't got one."

     "You said you were going to answer my questions." Batman added.

     "You never said I had to answer them truthfully!" Blood laughed.

     "Blood just answer the questions, truthfully!" Batman almost yelled.

     "Hmmm we'll see." Blood laughed again.

     "Dick maybe you should just answer his questions." Cheryl suggested.

     "Will you shut up Cheryl." Blood said aloud.

     "Okay first question," Batman began. "Who are Chad and Cheryl? You keep talking to them."

     "Oh those are my friends, Cheryl's more like a mom, but she's okay." Blood began.

     "Awwww thank you Dick." Cheryl said.

     "And Chad is my best friend, he always agrees with me." Blood nodded.

     "Yay!" Chad cheered.

     "So are they, voices in your head?" Batman questioned.

     "Yah." Blood answered. Batman just looked away and nodded his head.

——Time Skip after a couple more questions—

     "Where. Do. You. Live. Blood!" Batman had finally snapped from Blood's annoyingness.

     "I told you Batman, it's near a building." Blood answered. Blood now had his feet up on the table and his seat pushed back.

     Batman finally snapped. All he got from Blood was he lives near a building, his parents are dead, he likes art, and he's insane. Batman stormed out of the room towards Black Canary. He explained how much of a pain that kid was and walked away. Black Canary then walked in.

     "Okay Blood were going to show you to where you'll be staying for a while." She said calmly.

     "Unless it's my house, I don't wanna stay." Blood shrugged. Black Canary then quickly put a collar looking thing on Blood's ankle.

     "What the hell is that?!" Blood yelled.

     "It's like a anklet, if you try to escape it will shock you so you'll pass out, then send your coordinates to us." BC answered.

     "Well I don't wanna stay at this damn-Ahh!" The anklet shocked Blood.

     "Oh yah, we don't allow swearing so it will send a small shock if you do." BC added. Blood pouted and crossed his arms. "Follow me."

     Blood got up and followed BC to a simple 10 by 10 room. It had a bed and dresser, and another door which I guess lead to bathroom.

     "Wow my cell is beautiful." Blood added sarcastically.

     "It's not a cell it's a room." BC corrected.

     "Yah sure." Blood walked in and Black Canary closed the door.

     "Wow look a bed!" Cheryl called.

     "Yah, I'm gonna sleep on the floor though. Beds are to comfortable." Blood said.

     "Hmm, so when are we gonna escape Dick?" Chad asked.

     "A little later Chad they might feed us. So maybe in 2 days." Dick suggested.

     "Yah sounds reasonable." Chad agreed.

     "Or we could stay here for a long time, maybe become heroes." Cheryl squeaked.

     "Cheryl we are not becoming heroes. We have to help other people if we do. And I do not like people. You know the rule. Do what you have to do to survive, screw everybody else."

"Yah I know Dick, but maybe it's time for a change." Cheryl stated.

"Nope!" Blood said. "Well I'm tired. So I guess it is time for sleep." He laughed. He grabbed a pillow off the bed and went over to the dresser. He pushed it into a corner but left enough space for him to squeeze in between. "It's almost like my hole." Blood sighed, "but screw this pillow." He threw it on the bed.

"Good night Chad. Good night Cheryl."

"Sweet Dreams Dick." Cheryl cooed.

"Night dude." Chad responded.

And with that Blood fell asleep. He dreamt about cutting the teams throats for making him stay here. Then dreamt about going back to his hole. He smiled as he slept.

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