Chapter 27

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Normal POV - at the mountain

     "What are we gonna do?!" Wally exclaimed. He and Batman had just told the rest of the league and team what had happened to Dick. Batman had called his other sons so he wouldn't have to tell the tale over again.

     "Well we gotta find him!" Jason yelled. He was angry, beyond angry. When he saw Zucco he was gonna shoot him in the heart. And not with rubber bullets. Batman was just as mad. But he was also scared for his new son.

     The Young Justice team was panicking. Most were sad and angry. Some were scared for Dick. The Justice League wasn't any better. Each panicking in their own way. Dick had grown on them all. And to hear that he had been kidnapped by his family's killer sent them spiraling.

     "Do we have anyway do finding Richard?" Kaldur said. He was just as scared as the rest but he held it back to his best ability.

     "I tried his communicator. But I can't find a signal. His belt with the tracker in it is the same." Batman said glumly. A sudden burst of rage filled Wally. He yelled from frustration and slammed his fist in the table.

     "There's gotta be something we can do." M'gann said quietly, tears in her eyes. Everyone looks at their feet, they had nothing to work off of. It's was like doing a surgery with the lights off, hopeless.

     "We have to do something." Flash said. The heroes looked up at him.

     "And what do you suggest we do?" Wonder Woman spoke.

"We search. All over Gotham, and anywhere near." Batman answered. It was their only option.

"Split into teams. Mix up leaders and YJ members." Batman added. They all nodded. If this was all they had, then they were gonna do it to their best content.

Dick's POV
Unknown Location
Day 3 with Zucco

"DAY 3. Give it up for day 3!" I think. I've been with this psycho 3 days. I can withstand torture, and I can withstand sleep deprivation. But together? It kind of sucks. But I shall not break! My team will find me and help me escape. I trust them.

"Morning Bird!" Zucco sang outside my door. Apparently it was morning time, my cell has no windows so I had no clue.

Zucco opens my door with an annoying screech. Hauling his large cart of tools along behind him. He walks over to my tired body.

     "Would you like some options today?" He says. I decide to show my strength and nod my head. He smiles creepily.

     "Alright would you like beating or cutting?" I scrunch my face to the best ability.

     "I'll take or." I say, smiling tiredly.

     His face drops into one of annoyance and anger.   He narrowed his eyes at me, "beating it is then." He grabs me by the wrist and strings me up so I'm hanging from the ceiling. He walks over to his tray and grabs a crowbar. I shudder, remembering how those feel from my first time meeting the Joker.

     He slowly walks back over to me, twiddling the crowbar in his hand. "You know bird. I'm surprised you've still got so much fight in you. You haven't slept in 3 days and I can tell you immensely tired. But I want to see if I can break you in record time. So, some more pain should speed up the process." He says. Zucco takes a step back and raises the weapon. And with a lot of force it hits me in the side. I hold back a scream, but that hurt. A lot.

     Zucco raises his arms again and hits my leg. Something popped and Zucco heard it and smiled. So he hit me lower leg in the same spot. I knew with one more hit it'd be broken, and I think Zucco knew it too. So he raised the crowbar for a third time. He readied himself, as did I. Then the third hit came with a horrible crack. I couldn't hold back my scream. Zucco stood their smiling in my face. I was beginning to see black spots over my vision from the pain. Zucco noticed and unhooked me. Allowing me to fall to the floor . . . right onto my know broken leg. I scream again.

     Zucco leaned down so I could smell his alcohol  filled breathe. "I don't think my drug can keep you from passing out this time." He says. I try to fight the unconsciousness. "Well bye birdie I'll be back in a few h-" My fight against unconsciousness was lost.

Normal POV - the mountain

     "Nothing!" Wally slammed his hands on the table. "We got NOTHING!" He yelled. No one had ever seen him so mad. He was normally the one who could help them lift their spirits. But it looked like he needed the most help.

     "Did anyone find anything?" Black Canary asked all the teams, everyone looked down. They got nothing, nothing! The world's defenders, saviors, couldn't find one boy.

     "We've gotta find him." Wally said sorrowfully.

     "Yes," Batman said, looking around at every hero in the room. They were gonna find him. They had too. "Yes we do."

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