Chapter 29

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Normal POV

     Dick still hadn't said a word. The combined teams had already gotten back to the mountain. They set the bird in a medical bed and fixed him up. But he just lay there, staring at the ceiling. Unmoving, and unvocalized.

     "What could be wrong with him?" Artemis whispered. Everyone just shrugged. The only way to find out what had happened to him was for Dick to tell them. But that may never happen.

Dicks POV

     Either this is a really long hallucination, or I'm actually at the mountain.

      "Or are you . . ." A voice, seeming to come from the wind, spoke. I knew this wasn't real, but what if it is? What was real and what wasn't?

     I need to find out, and the only way to is to talk. So I took a deep breathe, and speak actual human words.

     "Is this real?" My voice is quiet and hoarse from not being used for anything but screaming. Everyone who was previously right outside my door came in. Each of them having heard me speak.

     "What'd you say Dickie?" Jason said to me. This was seaming more real then any of my other hallucination.

     "Is this real?" I asked again. They all looked at me sadly, which just confused me.

     "Yes Dick this, we are real." Wally said reassuringly. I was still uncertain, but some hallucinations even say they aren't real. So maybe I am home.

     "What did he do to you." M'gann whispered, her voice sounded like it was holding back tears. My brains so hazy from exhaustion, all I can say is,

     "A lot." Tears fall from a few of my friend's eyes. I can't blame them, I'd cry for me too.

     "Do you want to talk about it?" Black Canary asked soothingly. Truly I didn't even know if I did. I did want to, I wanted them to know. But it could make them feel worse, plus words are to hard to create. Even these thoughts were hard to conjure. So I simply stare at the ceiling again, completely confused and tired.

     "We'll leave you to rest." Batman states, pushing everyone out of the room. Do I sleep? What if this a trap? What if Zucco got another villain to make this hallucination somehow and is wanted me to fall asleep so he can do something to me? So I lay awake and wait for another night to pass.

(it's just a Time Skip brought to you by
one of my favorites songs) -

     It's around 2 am, as the clock says, and I'm still awake. That's when the door creaked open. I subconsciously scurried away from the door. Not even thinking. It was just Bruce though. He noticed me and started moving slowly.

     He took of his cowl and looked right at me. "Hey Dick." He said quietly, and quite soothingly. He slowly moved towards me. I was grateful he knew to move slow. "I didn't wake you did I?"

     I shook my head and mumbled, "I never went to sleep." Bruce's eyes changed when he heard me.

     "How come?" Bruce already had half an answer, but needed to hear what Dick had to say. I just looked away. Not knowing how to answer.

     "could be a trap." I said quietly. Bruce looked even sadder when I said that.

     "Dick your safe with us now. I don't know what Zucco did, but your back. We're really here and we're never gonna leave you." Bruce said lovingly.

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