Chapter 20 - Special Voices Chapter

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This chapter had nothing to do with the story what's so ever. It's just explains about all of Dicks voices and when they are needed. Also about one voice who may make a future appearance *thats foreshadowing for the idiots out there (kidding)* Enjoy this I've been thinking about doing it for a while. Okey Doki let's get to it.

Dicks POV





     That was all I could think. The most cherished things in my world was just taken a way from me. My parents, MY PARENTS! I'm only 8 but i understand life and Death. I know my parents wouldn't be there to pick me up when I was sad. I would never have another one of my mother's cookies. Never see my fathers smile, or listen to his corny jokes. I'd never get their hugs or kisses, never have someone cuddle with him after a nightmare. I was officially alone.

     The small 8 year old sat in an abandoned alley just, staring at a wall. I was hungry but had nothing to eat. I was tired but had no where to sleep. Whatever was a poor young'n to do?

——————-Time is a flying forwards——————

     I had been on my own for about a month now. I figured out that a restaurant nearby throws away their leftover in a bin nearby. I ate from there. I found a small hole I could squeeze into, I slept there. I had what I needed for now, a place to sleep and eat. It definitely wasn't ideal, but at least I'd survive.

     "You know eating from the garbage is gross." I heard a voice say. I shot my head around looking for who it came from. I didn't see anyone so I just shrugged it off.

     "Hi Dickie." I bolted up this time. Where was the voice coming from?

     "Umm- Hello?" I said uncertainty.

     "Hiya!" A cheery voice sounded. But it was. . . it was in my head?

     "Hello." A different one said. Why the heck were voices in my head, was all I could think.

     "H-Hello. Who - Who are you?" I asked. My English was very limited. I could say simple greeting and commands. But anything else was a challenge.

     "We're voices in your head." The softer one answered.

     "We don't really have names." The more enthusiastic one added.

     I wasn't at all freaked out by this. I hadn't had someone to talk to for a while. So I'd take head voices.

     "Can I call you Chad and Cheryl?" I asked in my heavy Romanian accent.

     "Sure why not, I call Chad!" The louder voice, now named Chad, answered.

     "I guess I'm Cheryl then."  The softer one, Cheryl, replied happily.

     I was beyond over joyed. I had someone to talk to! I wouldn't be alone. This was a very happy day.

—————-Another Skip into the future——————

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