Chapter 6

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Normal POV - Morning Time ☀️

No one mentioned finding Wally and Blood asleep the next morning. They simply walked out and waited for them to wake up.

"Looks like Wally did his job." Artemis smirked. She was glad the speedster wasn't killed, looked like he had fun too.

"Yah, maybe Blood will be more open now." M'gann agreed. The others were glad that Wally and the assassin were cool now. But that wasn't enough to cure his insanity, and get him to trust them.

After a minute of silence the speedster of topic ran into the room. "Hey Guys!" He smiled. The team responded with good mornings.

"How did things go last night, my friend?" Kaldur asked.

"They went better than I expected." Wally began. "We ate some pancakes and played video games. You know he's never had pancakes before or played a video game."

"Never had pancakes!" M'gann almost shouted. She was gonna make him so many, and they were gonna be perfect.

"Yah and he's called them dough frisbees." He chuckled. Artemis snickered and M'gann smiled.

"So you think you did a good job about getting him to trust us?" Artemis questioned. That was the point of the mini mission.

"Truly, I don't know." Wally started. "He was having fun with me and all but I don't know if he's close to trusting me yet."

"Well we'll keep at it until he does." M'gann enthusiastically replied. Everyone nodded in agreement.

Blood POV

I woke up on the floor in my cell. I look around for Wally, remembering he fell asleep in here. 'He must of waken up already.' I shrug.

"Good morning Chad, Cheryl."

"Morning Dickie." Cheryl mentally smiles.

"Hey Dick." Chad responds. "Last night was fun."

"Yah it was." I defiantly hated Wally the least out of everyone. I could tell he was scared when he first came in. But he relaxed after we ate the dough frisbees.

I was enjoying my thoughts when a big, mean, bat came to my cell.

"Good morning Blood, come with me." Batman commanded.

"What is with you and commanding me Batsy?" I chuckle while following the stern man. He didn't reply.

"Do you think he sleeps upside down?" Chad asked. It was a good question.

"Hey Batman," the Dark Knight turned towards me. "Do you sleep upside down?" He looked at me like I was an idiot.

"No." Was his simple reply. I guess that answered Chad's question.

He took me back to the interrogation room. 'Yay more questions.' I thought sarcastically.

Normal POV - Interrogation Room

"Alright let's get this show on the road." Blood sat down in a chair. Putting his feet on the table once again.

Batman day down across from him and started his questioning. "So Blood, how are liking the mountain?"

"It's okay. . . My house is better. The kiddy leagues awful, except Wally he brought me food. And we played a - what was it called - a video game."

"But - uhh, why am I still here, why aren't I in jail?" Blood added. Batman had assumed he'd ask a question like that, and he had an answer.

"Well Blood, I truly didn't want to put a kid in Arkham." Batman began.

"I'm not a kid, been on my own for 5 odd years." Blood mumbled. He didn't realize he just gave Batman some important information.

"As I was saying, I don't want to put you in jail. If you chose to, I want you to join the young justice team. Your skills would be very useful." Batman stated. Blood shot him a 'what?' glare.

"You want me to become a hero?" Batman nodded. "What do I get in return for," Blood shuddered "Helping People." It was obvious to Batman that Blood was an all for 1 guy.

"Yes I do." Batman didn't think it be easy to get Blood away from the dark side, but it was clear he didn't want to help others. "Or you can go to jail."

Blood stopped talking and started thinking. It was either help people or go to jail. At jail he'd get fed everyday, and he could escape it easily. But if he stayed here he could get more dough frisbees, and it be more of a challenge to escape. Blood loved challenges.

"Dickie I think you should stay here." Cheryl added her opinion.

"I hate to say it Dick, but she may be right. We can get more dough frisbees and it'll be more of a challenge to escape!" Chad agreed. That was all he needed for his decision.

"Ok Batman, I'll stay here with your kiddy league." Batman was about to speak, but Blood wasn't finished. "But, so you know, I don't like people. I want a reward for every mission I help complete."

"What type of reward are you thinking about?" Batman asked. If he could negotiate something small with the boy, he may agree to stay.

"One hot meal a day, preferably dough frisbees." Blood crossed his arms and nodded his head approvingly. Batman stifled a laugh, Blood got the Caped Crusader to laugh.

"Ok I'll meet your demands." Batman said calmly. He made a mental note to ask the team what a dough frisbee was.

"Ok, so do I have to stay in my cell? Or can I walk around the mountain?" Blood needed to know what the regulations were.

"Well since you've been obedient, you may roam around the mountain. One league member will always be here to keep and eye on you. And if you make an attempt on anyone's life we will shock you."

"I can live with that." Blood stated. "Will that be all for our small chat?"

"Yes it will." With that Batman left the room.

     "Well this could be fun. . ." A mischievous grin grew on Bloods pale face.

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