Dark ones...

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Plushtrap looked out of his window to find out what was making that bright light. When he did, he got disappointed to find out that it was just a small chest, but had a bright light inside of it.

Weird... Plushtrap thought. I was expecting more. He jumps out his window and looks around for any Night Virals. The coast was clear so when he tried to reach out for the chest, it moved away.

What the heck?! Plushtrap thought when he was caught by surprise. That's not normal! He looked at the chest to find out it had 2 locks on it. One of them was broken but still attacked to the chest. Without warning, the chest zooms away from plushtrap.

Woah! I can't let that get away! Plushtrap ran towards the chest, but he forgot about the dangers he's going to face off soon.

As he ran, he wasn't aware of himself being too careless about making any noise. He was causing twigs to snap loud enough to catch the attention of a few Night Virals.

Not long, a loud, terrifying screech was heard not too far from where plushtraps is at.

Oh crap... he thought. Good thing I brought this. He takes out what appears to be a flashlight, but it's been modified to a UV to keep Night Virals away for a limited time.

After a while of chasing the box, it heads over water where it gets out of plushtraps reach.

Damn it! He panted. Before he got on a boat the Night Virals jumped out behind him. Plushtrap nearly got his leg caught by one of them before he got away on the boat. At first he thought he was safe, until they started swimming towards him. Crap!! I'm screwed!!

Just as all hope was lost, a giant, mutated like creature rose up from the water and slammed them with a powerful attack. Plushtrap was shocked from what he just saw. When he turned around, he recognized the creature. It was the same seagoon that saved his life.

So they do mutate! Plushtrap thought. The seagoon took a sniff at him which made plushtrap feel concerned. Please don't eat me! The seagoon then put plushtrap down on land then went away. Oh come on!! Seriously?! You saved me, but didn't take me to my destination?! Now I have to go back to fighting these fricking ni- he froze when he turned around. He wasn't at the same place. The trees were dead. The grass was gone, and there was barely any light in the forest. This wasn't anywhere near his home.

Plushtrap gulped before he could choke out the words, The dark ones forest...

He hesitantly went in, arguing in his head of which this is a bad idea and to go home or keep going and explore the place. His adventurous side won and kept going. He later reached the tombstone of random names written on them.

Fritz? Gabriel? Jeremy?? Who are these guys? Plushtrap kept looking along the tombstones as he saw a couple of names on them with letters scattering across the rest of them spelling MARIA.

Pretty sure that's a reference to something.... he thought. As he looked around the gravestones, a night viral was creeping up behind him, ready to pounce as it made a low growl.

Hm? Plushtrap turns around and sees a Night Viral about to jump him until a dark red fox tackles the night viral and kills it, causing it to explode with burnt confetti left out of it.

The dark red fox turns around to looks at plushtrap.

Plushtrap steps back and gets his guard up. ...is this the end for me?

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