Not a good idea...

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Done... The small light green bunny said as he puts his stuff away. 5 whole days of this crap.... I swear instead of helping me learn, it's helping me get stress....

It was nearly bedtime and Plushtrap was getting tired. He didn't want to really sleep since he wanted to continue his training with Springtrap.

Wonder if Mom has anything that could help me stay awake. He checks the kitchen to find a cup of coffee on the counter. If this will help me stay up then I should drink it. He takes a sip but regrets it as he makes a face. Yuck! This is digesting! She hasn't added anything to make flavor but it did help me get wide awake again.

When he heard Spring Bonnie coming  back he darted to his room without making a sound.

Spring Bonnie looks at her coffee. Still warm... Good.

After a while, Plushtrap got out of bed and teleported to the spooky forest.

You're early. Said the green, worn out bunny. Didn't expect you here for another hour or 2.

Plushtrap sighs as he remembers. I have this thing called school and it eating up my free time.

School? Springtrap said as he was surprised. That's rich. Couldn't get kids to listen to him so he made some dumb reason to make it happen. Typical.

So... What are you doing? Asked the small bunny.

Just setting up your next training session. Springtrap says as he gathers many rocks. Stand there.

Plushtrap got confused as he gets to the spot. Springtrap has always given him many different and difficult training sessions. Thanks to that plushtrap has always been having trouble staying up in classes but luckily for him, Bonbon hasn't either so they technically get a pass.

So. Springtrap started. How's school treating you?

Like hell... Plushtrap responded. It was supposed to help with my future but instead it feels like it's helping my stress get worse... Thank Scott for the 2 day break every week.

Springtrap chuckled a bit then gets the rocks ready. Of course... How fast are you exactly?

Plushtrap shrugs. Probably faster than the speed of sound. Wh-?

A quick toss of a rock flew pass Plushtrap as he nearly dodges it. The rock goes through a couple of trees and a couple of enemies as well.

Woah!! Hey! What was that for?! The small bunny yelled.

Reflex. Springtrap answered. If you want a simulation of a real fight, you'll have to be ready for any attack. The enemy wouldn't care if you're ready or not.

Crap.... If thats true then I'm probably going to have trouble... Plushtrap got ready for the next rock as he dodges it.

As Spring trap kept throwing rocks at him, it gets more trickier to dodge and keep up since it gets faster and has more stones thrown at him. Plushtrap slowly got better and thought of an idea.

He ran around Springtrap and got better at dodging then used sludge at him to slow him down. Ha! The enemy wouldnt care if youre ready or not, right?

Springtrap smirks. Right. He throws another one but it was faster and had more force into it as Plushtrap nearly dodges.

...Close one.... He sees he's out of rocks to throw. Is training over? He asks as he drops his gaurd.

Not yet. Springtrap then spawned a ki blast and throws it at Plushtrap.

Plushtrap jumps out of the way jumps on time when Twisted Bonnie got hit.

Ow!! Hey! Watch it! He growls.

It's your fault for interfering in the battlefield! Do you want to join in?! Springtrap snarls.

N-no.... I've seen what you've done to your opponents. Twisted Bonnie backs away.

Plushtrap just witnessed the dominance Springtrap has in the group. He wanted to reach heights great as his but he had one problem...

How did you do that? He asks.

Springtrap starts. Well you're going to have to start by punching his skull in then-

No, not that! The ki blast thing!

Springtrap then became confused. Wait a minute, Fredbear made a school specifically made to teach you guys things yet he never taught you how to use ki??


Springtrap sighs. Well... At least we have something new to train with.

Meanwhile at the sides ,Nightmare Mangle and Nightmare Foxy just heard about Springtrap about to teach Plushtrap ki.

Do you think that's a good idea? Nightmare Mangle asks Nightmare Foxy.

I think it's not a bad but not a good idea either... Nightmare Foxy answers.

As the night goes on and after many fails from explosions, Plushtrap finally kept a ki blast intact.

Finally! I got it! Said the now small, beaten up bunny.

Never seen anyone try to shoot the moon before. Springtrap says as he gets the dust off of him.

Shut up! It's hard since Ive never done this before!

Yeah yeah... Springtrap yawned. Pretty sure you haven't tried training with Spring Bonnie.

Well... She never had the time but she promised to train with me soon!

And when's that?

Today! Wait.... Oh crap! I was supposed to be resting for today!

Springtrap couldn't help but laugh. Yep. You definitely remind me of her.

Huh? How? Plushtrap asks.

I'll tell you later. You have to rest.

Okay see ya! Plushtrap says his goodbyes then leaves.

Hey springtrap. I got updates. Says a certain black, monstrous bear.

Is it anything important? Springtrap asks Nightmare.

How about this? He shows Springtrap a picture of a wolf like figure.

Springtrap gave out a small smile. Still alive, wolf? Should've known

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