Teacher vs Student

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Somewhere in the deep ends of the dark forest, a broken down looking bunny was standing across from a messed up looking wolf that somehow looks mutated.

Springtrap takes a few steps closer to the wolf before it snarled at him. Really? Is that how you treat someone who's been helping you out? I thought I taught you better than that.

As wolf gets on all fours, ready to strike, Springtrap stretches as he knew what's about to happen. Alright. Show me how this is going to be different.

The wolf takes off trying to slice at him. Springtrap moves out of the way them kicks it to the side. So you're not going to change your tactics?

The mutated wolf digs his hands to the ground and rips it open, causing a chain reaction of the ground coming up, causing Springtrap to jump. It then spawned a beam of energy in it's mouth and fires it straight at him.

Springtrap quickly got out of the way and used a bit if his energy to grind off the blast then got close enough punch him to the ground. Not bad, but I know you could do better.

In pure rage, the wolf came at him at full speed and strength trying to hit him.

You're not going to win with just speed and strength alone. Springtrap says as he dodges. At least show me something different. He punches, grabs him by his leg, then slam him to the ground. It's been fun and all, but I'm ending this.

The wolf suddenly disappears without a trace, leaving Springtrap confused until it came out and bit him on the shoulder. Springtrap punched, grabbed then slammed it into the ground with him, then used his own energy to explode everything around him which took him off.

Springtrap may look like he has taken a significant amount of damage, but the scars where already there before the fight even began. Jeez that was more annoying than painful.

The wolf howls as the sky begins to form clouds and lighting. Each lightning strike formed a clone of wolf surrounding the bunny. Then they move all around him super fast slowly closing in.

Springtrap looked for an opening until something caught his eye. Gotcha. He kicks a wolf straight in the gut as the rest of them disappears. He then combos it off with the last hit launching him in the air and prepared to finish it with a blast forming in his hand. This is where the battle ends.

The wolf saw the bright light and used the storm to form into it's mouth to make a powerful beam and fires straight into the ground of his opponent.

Springtrap threw his blast which sliced through the wolfs beam like butter and made a huge explosion when it hit him right in the face. The blast was powerful enough to be visible to be seen from the town.

Plushtrap woke up from the noise and saw the light out his window. What the heck was that?!

Back in the forest, which is now destroyed, laid a unconscious wolf badly injured with maybe a few broken bones. Springtrap walked up to it and ripped off a device that had the wolf's oil all over it. Tch. How do you get yourself in these things?

His ear then twitched as he heard a faint footstep far off in the hills as he sees a mysterious figure in a cloak with red eyes watching him. Springtrap looked at it wondering if it's a new enemy or a returning one. Before he could do anything the mysterious figure vanished with some sort of magic.

Looks like I'll have something to entertain me later on, but for now I have to deal with this. He thought. He carries the body then takes it back to his home where Nightmare was waiting.

Oh hey. Said Nightmare who just noticed the body. ! So it really was him?

Yeah. Springtrap replied. And was under mind control.


Yeah, can you get someone to heal him up?

Yeah yeah. I'm on it, but that doesn't mean I'm taking care of it.

I know. Springtrap leaves back to his home. I just wonder if he remembers anything and being my student.

The next day....

The town was talking about what was going on in the "Dark ones" forest. Some suggested they're having some sort of civil war, betrayal/assassination, or training.

Fredbear feared the training part because if that were the case, Springtrap would have him as his #1 spot to kill list.

Plushtrap was confused what could've happened. He knew it couldn't anything other than possibly training, but he'll find out later once he goes there.

Everyone! Stay away from that area! We don't know what they're doing but we must be prepare if it's going to be an attack! Announced Fredbear.

So nothing's going to change? Yelled Foxy. I mean this kind of thing happened before. So we're all going to fight until there turns out to be a mutual enemy/goal?

What makes you think it's going to happen again?

I don't know. Maybe they could've attacked forever ago?

He's right you know. Said Circus Baby. They could've attacked us and be over with it and chose not to. So it wouldn't make sense why they would do it now.

Fredbear sighs. Fine. Just go through training sessions just in case. I don't want to risk anything.

Seriously... After a while of peace of quiet something that may threaten us has to happen... Spring Bonnie grumbled. Great... Come on Plushtrap. I'm getting you an upgrade.

Plushtrap's ears perked up. What kind of an upgrade?

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