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Momo wakes up from the sound of her phone buzzing, vibrating strongly.

Momo groans as she gets up, looking over to the side of her room to see her black notebook open wide and her phone flashed on across the area.

She yawned, "What time is it..?" She mumbled to herself, getting up from her large bed to shuffle to her phone.

She sees the numbers "7:37 AM" on her lockscreen. The said student smiled to herself, "It's still early.." She muttered, picking her phone up.

She takes a look at her notifications.


[ 7:37 AM ]

5 mesages received by UNKNOWN


She lifts an eyebrow from the sight of the notification. 'When will this guy stop texting me?' She thought to herself, slight disgust in her thoughts.

She sighed, "I mean, he is quite fun to talk to but ... I don't know." She spoke to herself, slight guilt in her tone.

She taps the notification.


< mornin
[Sent; 6:59 AM]

< did u get any nightmares from the movie?
[Sent; 7:02 AM]

< im kidding haha
[Sent; 7:02 AM]

< but actually, did u get any?
[Sent; 7:04 AM]

< that'd be quite hilarious haha
[Sent; 7:06 AM]


Upon looking at messages indicatimg mischief, Momo groaned before pouting to herself. "I didn't scream anything last night, for your information." She mumbled, smirking slightly.

It was crystal clear that the lady started to get fond with this stranger's light humor.

Sometimes it made her giggle, and sometimes even made her cry from her laughter.


excuse you, but i didn't scream >
[Sent ; 7:43 AM]

i had a pleasant night actually >
[Sent; 7:45 AM]

also, good morning :^) >
[Sent; 7:48 AM]

< oh hey
[Sent; 7:49 AM]

< aw well ur lucky
[Sent; 7:50 AM]

< i had a nightmare last night
[Sent; 7:54 AM]

are you serious?? >
[Sent; 7:55 AM]

< lol no
[Sent; 7:57 AM]

D:< <
[Sent; 7:58 AM]

< hahaha
[Sent; 8:00 AM]

< im a strong boyui >>:)(
[Sent; 8:01 AM]

< oh mayjjdjdkd il0and then i99
[Sent; 8:03 AM]

< sorry about that
[Sent; 8:05 AM]

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