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Thunder again.

And ..


Yeah, thunder again.

Momo shivered slightly at the fourth thunder that striked. "This is getting scary," She chuckled, turning her head away from the glass panes to Todoroki ahead of her.

"Are you okay?" He asked, turning his head back to face her. Momo smiled, quite embarrassed, and nodded. "How's your candle?" She asked, taking a glimpse of his candle from behind.

"It's fine." He replied, his eyes tracing the object in his hand. Momo smiled once more, satisfied at his repsonse. "That's good," She said, softly.

Fifth thunder strike.

Todoroki stopped walking.

Momo did too. Waiting for him to say something. He didn't. It was getting strange really strange now and it literally feels like it has been fifteen minutes.

"Uh, are you alright, Todoroki?" She walked up to him, concerned, but somehow still with a gentle smile on.

Once she reached beside him, his gaze were averted to the side. He was sweating, most likely from his nervousness.

He took a deep breath then met her eyes, who apparently were staring at him the whole time from the side. "I'm kind of scared of lightning."

Momo couldn't help but be surprised. "W-Wait-"

He sighed and looks away to the side, "It's sort of embarrassing to have that fear, but it started when I was a kid and couldn't leave the house, so-"

He was cut off by Momo shaking her hands and the flashlight infront of her, plus her high pitched yet cute screaming.

"N-No, don't worry about it! It's completely fine to fear such things!" She exclaimed, causing him to look back to her.

Her hands collide together with the flashlight too, "I don't think you should be embarrassed by it, I fear little things too! If you're scared, then .." She trails off, looking down at her hands with a small smile. "Then .. don't be afraid to tell me." She lifts her head up, smiling at him, a comforting smile, something that drained the fear out of Todoroki, it felt nice.

Thunder striked again, and Todoroki slightly bounced at the sudden loud sound, and Momo didn't even flinch. She began to giggle lightly.

"Let's get going now." Todoroki said adter letting a sigh escapes his lips.

Momo chuckled. "Where though?"

Todoroki shrugs.

"Do you think we should head to the faculty room?" She suggested, walking side by side together as the rain beats the rooftops with unbelivable strength.

"It's worth trying." He replied.

Momo smiled. "Alright, let's go there instead."

They continue to walk for minutes, thunder striking frequently. Usually Momo would laugh at his reaction, then comfort him.
She nearly suggested to hold her hand, but being the shy baby she is, she doesn't.

Once they reach the floor where the faculty room is, they walk their way there, cautious.

Suddenly, the door opens, and a certain form of light was visible, probably from a flashlight.

The pair stopped walking, cautious and prepared to attack. Todoroki specifically had his arm out in front of his companion, perhaps to protect her from whatever is there. Their eyes then widen at the sudden sound of people chattering.

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