Phase Eighteen

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Dedicated to IHaveADream for being such an awesome fan by patiently not giving up on Clueless despite my horrible procrastination habits! :D You're an amazing person!!! Love you, girl! xP

God bless!

Phase Eighteen


          “Give it!” I exclaimed, snatching the paper from Wayne’s hands. My eyes scanned it, and I growled. Thrusting the paper into François’s awaiting hands, I stomped out of the room, ready to follow through with my threat of killing someone. “How dare they!” I snapped at no one in particular. “Think they’re so high and mighty and randomly decide to do whatever they want! Those freakin’ ba – ”

          “Keep it PG-rated, Ange,” Anthony called from inside the room.

          “ – bald bark!” I quickly said instead. I heard Anthony chuckle. “I heard that! And read the note and try to keep it PG-rated!” I yelled.

          I heard the paper shuffle. Precisely five seconds later, Anthony was letting loose a string of curses in French that could make a sailor blush. So much for PG-rating, huh? I thought smugly.

          But I agreed with Anthony. Those jerkholes decided that they had the nerve to send such a preposterous letter! Well, guess what, IDPF? You’re going down!

          Breathe, Ange. Don’t forget about oxygen! I took a deep breath. We had to think rationally. Anger wouldn’t do anything for us right now. It was all in the logic and timing. And it was all up to us.

          Footsteps came from behind me. From the sound of the tentative steps, I guessed Elodie. What was she doing out of bed? She just woke up! “Why are you up?” I turned around, and saw François instead. I blinked. What? Since when did he walk like he was on glass?

          Since you pounced on him.

          Shut up. Working on it, okay?

          Pfft, yeah right.

          Just shut up.

          “Um…Ange?” François asked hesitantly.

          I snapped out of the memory. “Sorry, yeah?”

          “Here…and are we going to follow it?”

          I scoffed, taking the letter. “Pfft, yeah right. No way are we giving those jerkholes the satisfaction! Besides, the codes aren’t something to give lightly…”

          François nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. Well, I’ve gotta go…and Elodie insisted to come with you and is probably gonna show up any moment now, so –”

          They say that if you speak of him, he will appear. Elodie popped her head from around the corner. “Hey,” she greeted quietly.

          “Hi.” I turned back to François to say farewell, but he was already gone.

          “Oh, sorry…was that a bad time?” Elodie asked worriedly.

          “It’s okay. It’s no biggie,” I assured her, giving her a smile. “Why are you up?” I repeated what I’d asked François accidentally.

          She flushed. “Well, I’m not feeling that bad now, and I figured there wasn’t any reason for me to be lying around with the IDPF prowling around…”

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