Chapter 2: The discovery

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Simon's Pov:

When i finally had arrived at Amanda's house, parked my car / got out of my car and rushed into the livingroom i discovered that i was allready too late.

I saw my Mandy.

She was laying there in a big puddle of her own blood.

I rushed over to her and knealed besides her  and i quickly checked her pulse

There was no pulse.
She was really dead.

I took Amanda's lifeless body in my arms and i just held and rocked Amanda's lifeless body 

End of Simon's Pov

A crying Simon:

''Why Mandy?''

''Just why?''

''Why you and why our baby?''

Simon gently strokes with his hand through Amanda's hair

a crying Simon:

''Sssh Mandy everything is going to be allright.''

''I'm with you now and i know that i can't save you anymore, but i'll try to save our baby.''

''I promise you that!''

Simon takes one of his arms away  and out from under Amanda's lifeless body and places his one of his hands onto Amanda's seven month  pregnant belly and feels the baby moving.

A still crying Simon:

''Hey little one.''

''Please be as strong and as lovely as your mum.

''Oh my god Mandy!''

''Our beautifull baby is still alive, i just felt the baby move!''

"'Oh god our baby survived Mandy!''

''He or she survived!''

''Thank god!''

Simon's pov:

Shortly after i had felt the baby move, the emergencyservices arrived and the paramedics took you out of my arms.

My beautifull, sweet darling Amanda.

I told the paramedic that you are / were seven months pregnant with our beautifull baby. 

So the first thing that they did was check the baby's heartbeat and if the baby was still moving and if the baby was still alive.

And after a few gutwrenching minutes, The paramedics confirmed that the baby was still alive or actually i should say our babies.

Because the paramedics discovered that you are / were  pregnant with twins!

I couldn't be happier and sadder at the same time.

I  was / am  happy because i was going to be a daddy of our two beautifull babies.

And i was  / am sad because you  were  / will not going to be there to see them grow up or in fact you were / will  never going to see them at all.

Because you are really gone.

I love our babies allready so much because they are a part of you and me.

They are the part of you that's still alive and forever will live on together with me and    my / the memories that i have  of you.

I will raise them in your honour and spirit my beautifull Mandy that's my eternal promise to you.

End of Simon's pov

The paramedics load / lift Amanda onto the gourney and load the gourney into the back of the ambulance.

Simon takes a seat next to gorney in the back of the ambulance.

The paramedics close the backdoors of the ambulance, walke to the frontside of the ambulance and start to drive / drive off to the hospital

Simon grabs / takes Amanda's lifeless hand in his hand and holds it.

Author's note:

Hi Everyone,

This is the end of chapter 2 

I hope that you'll all enjoy reading it :)

Many thanks in advance for maybe reading it :) 

Very kind regards,


End of Author's note

Amanda's murder a #dark Simanda storyWhere stories live. Discover now