Chapter One-New Mission

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Chapter One

New Mission

"Shit, Widow. How about pulling some punches for the lady?" I quip with wide grin. Natasha counters with a jab at my face and lands it, as she often does, and I hold up a hand to make sure it's not broken. When I pull my hand away slick with blood, I nod. "Alright, go." My next swipe nearly misses her jaw as blood drips from my nose and onto my white tank top. I smear it away onto my arm so the tickling doesn't distract me.

"We both know we're not ladies, Siren." She shoots back and swings while I duck and finally land a solid hit to her stomach.

"You both just couldn't resist, could you?" Natasha and I both look up to see an unsurprised smile on Steve Rogers' face. I take this moment to shove Natasha and fall back laughing when she kicks my legs out from under me.

"Jealous, Rogers? Looks like you could use more time in the gym anyway." Natasha teases as she unwraps her hands and walks towards him. I prop myself up and look at the perfect specimen and smile charmingly.

"We'd be happy to double team you anytime, Captain." I tell him before standing and walking over with Natasha. Natasha smirks while Rogers blinks in shock, then smiles a bit himself.

"Nice to meet you too. Shall we?" He gestures with his head and starts walking. My eyes instantly go to his ass, then look at Natasha suggestively. Her smirk grows and we fall into step beside the Captain. "Natasha hasn't told us much about you, but I've read your file. You're impressive."

"Well, you sure know how to flatter a girl, Cap." I tease and see the corner of his mouth lift.

"A new mission came in this morning, so you'll have to learn how the team works on the go..." He tells me simply, having a commanding air to him that I find cute.

"Don't worry, Captain. I'm very flexible." Natasha rolls her eyes at that one while I smile radiantly at the amused Captain.

"I'm sure. Anyways, here's the file. We'll be heading out in a couple hours so I suggest you get everything you need settled by then. Blood free, if you don't mind." He hands me the file and glances at my blood smeared arm.

"Yes, sir." I wink at him and nod to Natasha as they walk away, I myself, heading out and back to my apartment to pack. All that's to be done is to grab the bag I keep by the door and clean myself up a bit. When that's done, I head to my living room and sit on the little folding chair I set up facing the door. Reaching down, I feel under the chair for the gun I always keep there. I sigh heavily after sitting. "Really? Isn't it beneath you to take a woman's gun?"

"No, not really." Her voice echoes from my bedroom and she exits just after, spinning the gun on her finger. Green eyes meet mine disapprovingly. "A folding chair?" I roll my eyes and cross my legs.

"Would you rather I had a leather recliner, Natalia?" I ask her and her lips curve up into that signature smirk.

"Maybe. You're still living a spy's life, Siren. I thought even you'd eventually grow out of it." I snort at that.

"You did not. That's why you called me." I call her out on it as she surveys my tiny apartment. From the door it's the hallway/living room, then to the left is a bedroom the size of a closet and a bathroom the size of a tic-tac box. Everything is neat and tidy. Nothing adorns the walls, not even a television. I guess I see what she's talking about. "You've done alright for yourself, Natalia. Almost makes me wish I'd stuck by your side in Siberia." I grin at the memory, watching her eyes light with humor.

"If I remember correctly, we were stuck tightly together at times." Natasha shoots back, grabbing another folding chair that's leaning on the wall and setting it beside me. I note with amusement that she makes sure she's still facing the door. Seems I'm not the only one still living a spy's life.

"Ah, yes. Is that what you're here for? Another round just for old times sake?" I tease, guessing that isn't the answer.

"Tempting, but no. I wanted to know what you're planning to do about Barnes." Instantly I straighten up in my seat and uncross my legs, the teasing expression I had on fading.

"Oh. Barnes." His name slides off my tongue like nails on a chalk board and I can't help but purse my lips afterwards with regret. I remember the first time I said his name. We hadn't even met yet.

"Yes. The man you lived with? Whom you were in love with?" She reminds me and calls me back. I stare at her with disdain.

"You and I both know that was never real." I remind her while she crosses her arms across the back of the chair; gun still in hand.

"Sure. What are you going to say to him?" She asks, those green eyes searching and shining like always.

"Hopefully? Not a damn thing." I respond. Natasha shakes her head slightly before standing and handing me my gun.

"Good luck with that. Come on, I'll give you a ride back to the compound." She offers and I take the gun, tucking it into the holster on my ankle under my bootleg jeans.

"How romantic, red. Well? Sweep me off my feet why don't you?" I tease and she rolls her eyes before walking out the door. Sighing, I jump up and grab my bag, then follow her out. It doesn't take us long to get back to the compound and Natasha pulls right up to the hangar. Heaving my bag onto my shoulder, I take a deep breath before following her through the doors and to the quinjet. The steady clicks of Natasha and I's boot heels call everyone's eyes to us, including a pair of blue eyes I never thought I'd see again. Well, unless he came to kill me. He looks good, at the very least. Those thick arms and legs are still just as thick, dark hair just as long, and chiseled jaw just as covered with scruff as it always was. I look at him and swallow when I see the shock on his face, although it's quickly gone and replaced with anger. "Soldier." I greet him curtly, strapping my bag into a seat before stepping in front of him once again. Perhaps a bit closer than necessary.

"Siren." He growls, his eyes alight with an icy rage. My heart aches without my permission and I pray it doesn't show. We stare at one another and the tension is palpable. I hold my breath when he takes another step towards me, bringing us close enough for our eyelashes to brush against the other.

"Make one wrong move and I throw you out of this plane." He states coolly, but it's belied by the fire in his eyes.

"It'd be interesting to see you try. If memory serves, though, you enjoy a challenge." I reply and he huffs before walking to the opposite side of the jet and sitting in the corner. A steadying breath later, I'm turning towards Steve and Natasha who watched the exchange. Natasha is calculating while Steve is half surprised/half worried. "So, we going to get this magic school bus going?"

* * * * * * * * * *

Throughout the flight, Barnes and I stay on opposite sides of the jet. It's just as well; I never got to look over the file Steve gave me, so now I take my time to absorb the information. We're headed to a remote inn in Poland to investigate an uprising of Neo-Nazis in the area. Hopefully, it's just regular assholes instead of Hydra. We're going in undercover, our choice what as, to find out. I turn the picture to the side and decide it's a charming place. Snow covered with red bricks covered in brown, withered ivy, black shutters standing guard at every window, and a frozen lake taking up just a sliver of the photo. It'll look like this when we get there. Lucky I packed my winter things.

"Well. That could've gone better." Natasha murmurs as she sits across from me. I look at her and shrug.

"Honestly, I was expecting him to choke me out the moment he saw me, so a threat is a little less than what I expected. Although perhaps he remembers that I like to be choked..." I trail off teasingly and tuck the file away. She presses her lips together in thought for a couple of moments, rocking along with the jet as we hit a bit of turbulence.

"Is it possible for the two of you to make it through this mission cordially?" She asks rhetorically. I glance over at the other side of the jet where Barnes is sitting and shake my head.

"I think it'll be a miracle if we make it out of this alive."

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