Chapter Seven-Night Escapades

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Chapter Four

Night Escapades

It's All Coming Back to Me Now-Celine Dion

The jet ride is nearly silent on the way back to the compound, although this time Barnes sits across from me instead of in the other wing. Our eyes are on one another's most of the flight as we both think about what we've said, what we wish the other would say, and what's going to be said. Natasha stands at the front with Steve, but her telling smirk lets me know she's watching the two of us closely as well. We land at the compound and I sling my bag over my shoulder as I follow behind the rest. Excepting Bucky, he's the last off the jet.

"Leave your bags here and someone will take them to a spare room. No need to travel more than you already have. Everyone knows where I am, so if you need me just ask. I don't think you will though." Steve finishes with a smirk, looking between Bucky and I. "We'll talk soon, Siren. For now, all of you get some sleep." He commands and we nod. Natasha rolls her eyes and follows him into a room with a desk in it. I'm sure to prevent him from working.

"I'll take you to a room." James speaks up and starts walking again, now in front of me. I huff and grab my bag once again then follow him. Up two flights of stairs and down a long hallway is the room Bucky shows me to. It's simple, a bed is in the middle of the far wall and has a small sitting area down a couple steps in front of it. A small, rectangular breakfast table sits to the left, then an open door leads to a pristine marble bathroom. I walk in and toss my bag on the floor at the end of my bed, then turn back to the door. James is already turning around to leave.

"James." I call out and walk back over to him. He glances over his shoulder at me. "Don't you want to talk?" I question confusedly. Bucky turns back around and shakes his head.

"Get some sleep. We've got plenty of time to talk." He assures me and I sigh, nodding. His eyes are hesitant, but he steps forward anyway and kisses my forehead. Before I can grab onto him and make him stay, he's slipped away and shut the door behind him. The corner of my mouth turns up as I walk back to the bed and disrobe. I fall onto the bed with a relieved sigh, falling asleep within the minute.

* * * * * * * * * *

When I wake up it's pitch black outside, but I'm not in the mood to go back to sleep. Instead, I get up and shrug on a loose T shirt that covers most of my ass. Everything is nearly silent. All I can hear is the sound of the air conditioning turning on and off. I slip out of my door and walk to the left, where James went. Another door is only a couple feet away from mine and I take care in opening it gently. It only takes me a moment to realize this is his room. The main color is navy, like his bedspread and blankets strewn over his couch. There are a couple touches of color here and there though. A white picture frame sits on his bedside table and there are a couple lighter blue colored pillows sitting on the couch. It's sweet, but much different from when we lived together. My steps are tentative as I walk over to the bed and peek at James' face. He's most often sleeping on his stomach, or at least ended up that way and it's no different now. His scruffy face is laying on his pillow peacefully, one hand under the pillow and the other lying in front of his face. Limbs are splayed across the bed haphazardly. A good sign he's finally getting some real sleep. My heart contorts watching him lying there, oblivious of my presence. God, how could I ever have left him?

Light snoring fills the dark room as I sit on the window ledge. Moonlight casts my shadow on my side of the bed where I should be; next to James. Instead, I'm fully dressed all in black with at least five guns on me and even more knives. Dried tear stains lay upon my cheeks, but the time for crying is over. I'm taking a risk staying here this long, but I can't help but bask in James a little longer. He's always looked so much younger once asleep. His face relaxes and loses the fierce frown that's normally on his face. Dreams have been kinder to him lately, so I'm glad to see peace on his face. Especially with what I'm about to do to him. A red rose lies in between my fingers and the pricks of pain from thorns keeps my mind focused. I grimace down at it. This is why I have to leave. Two days ago, I found this on my pillow and thought it was from James. Upon picking it up and holding it to my nose, I found it smelt metallic. Only after rubbing one of the petals and finding red stained on my fingers did I recognize the symbol. A white rose stained with blood. I couldn't take the chance of the KGB finding James, so then and there I decided I had to leave. Still. It feels like I'm leaving my heart behind and honestly, I am.

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