Chapter Three-Cover

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Chapter Three


We land smoothly, although I had my doubts with Captain Popsicle flying, and head towards the inn on foot. Through at least two feet of snow. My jeans are soaked and I'm immensely thankful I moved my gun to my bra holster. When we reach a road I'm more than relieved but wince every time I take a step and hear the squelch of my wet sock in my wet shoe. At the very least, I see Barnes smirking out of the corner of my eye. That's probably the only smile I'll see from him throughout this process. Finally, we reach the inn and it look exactly like the picture. Too bad I'm too freezing to enjoy it and burst inside the second I see the door. Natasha's right behind, then Steve, then Mr. Grumps. The inside is decorated with warm yellows and creams that makes me think of peaches and cream. Tan couches face a flatscreen set above an empty fireplace. A wall of French doors leads onto a small patio overlooking a small, frozen lake. My eyes land last on a wooden desk emerges from the right wall with a gold bell on the edge. Natasha rings it twice, her nose crinkling at the high-pitched noise. An older man, most likely late sixties, reveals himself with a welcoming smile.

"Witamy." He greets us in Polish.

"Czesc." I greet him back and get ready to request rooms, but stop when his mouth opens again.

"Ah, American, yes? Rooms?" He speaks English and I'm grateful. Polish was never my strongest language.

"Two rooms with a King in each. Thank you." Natasha answers and I notice her threading her arm around Steve's.

"Although perhaps one with a rollout, my husband is a bit upset I didn't book a sandy beach." I gesture with my head towards Bucky. The concierge nods and laughs.

"You're not the only one to be disappointed. Just remember, the best way to keep warm is body heat." He sends a wink Bucky's way, but he's just staring irately at me. "Keys." The man says and I take mine while Natasha takes hers. "Name's Eric. Tell me if you lovely couples need anything." He tells us happily and we all nod before heading up the carpeted stairs.

"Thirteen." Natasha calls out quietly once we hit the second floor.

"Fourteen." I call back and stop in front of the door with the yellow number on it. Natasha opens her door and drags Steve into it before anything can be said. The sharp clack of the lock echoes in the hallway as Barnes and I stare off. Then, I open the door and head in. I let my bag fall off my shoulder and I kneel down next to it as Bucky finally walks in and shuts the door.

"What the hell was that downstairs?" He asks and tosses his own bag down beside the floor. After grabbing heavy sweatpants and a long-sleeved shirt, I stand and face him.

"What? It's a cover. Would you rather I have denied what Natasha said?" His eyes narrow at that and I can tell his answer is no. "We should both remember how to act like a couple with one another anyways. She knows that. Or do you not remember Croatia, Spain, Greece..." France. I add in my head, not daring to mention that out loud.

"Stop." He snaps while I wiggle my shoes off and peel my socks off as well. I look up and see the expression he uses when he doesn't want me to know what he's thinking. Which means he's hurt and pissed. "Fine." He accepts and storms into the bathroom. Sighing, I strip without a qualm then pause to grab another pair of underwear as well. My eyes don't lift when I hear the bathroom door open, but do when I don't hear his footsteps. I nearly flinch when I see his expression. Wide eyes, parted lips, and hands open for touching.

"Don't look at me like that." I breathe after blinking away the memory. But I'm unable to break away from his gaze. His hands close and his lips shut, but his eyes are still steady on me.

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