Chapter Nine-Jealous

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Chapter Nine


I turn the corner just in time to see James slip into his room and instantly follow, for better or for worse. After I've entered James shuts the door and locks it behind me, then leans against it while considering me. I cross my arms and wait, usually he has to get everything off his chest before he's willing to listen.

"So, you and Stark." He shocks me by being quiet. I cross my arms across my chest and shake my head at him.

"Are friends. He gave me a tour of the facility today." I explain and a self-deprecating chuckle emanates from Bucky.

"I'm sure that's exactly what Stark was thinking when his hands were on you." His words are sharp and cut through the room like a knife. I huff.

"James." I emphasize and relax my arms as I walk over to him. "I can't help what other men think of me, but do you really think after what happened last night I'd go jump on your teammate?" I ask rhetorically, trying to meet his downturned eyes.

"If I've learned anything in the past few years it's that I rarely know everything about a person." He snaps.

"What the hell has gotten into you? You've been jealous before, but you've never doubted me." I ask passionately and move even closer to him. He slips around me and walks to the center of the room before turning back to me.

"Maybe because back then I knew you were mine!" The words explode from him like shrapnel and prick my heart.

"And you think because we've been apart for so long that that's no longer true?" Blue eyes finally meet mine after I ask that weighted question and answer it for me. "James, six years we ran together. Six years."

"I remember how long it was." Bucky's words are quiet and still hold the pain from when I left him.

"Then two years apart. After six years together, you think two years apart is enough for me to forget you? Even further, you think after two years apart, you think I'd jeopardize the tiny bit of trust you'd given me by going after a near stranger? If you think that James Barnes, you never knew me at all." I cross my arms over my chest once again, my frustration getting to me a little bit. "Now, I'm starving so I'm going back to dinner. Come or don't." The only sound in the room is the brushing of my dress against my knees, then the shutting of the door behind me. A heavy sigh leaves me as I walk back to the kitchen. A glance at the table reveals empty bowls and two missing.

"Microwave." Steve notices me first and glances to the door, clearly noticing the lack of a pouty assassin behind me. After I get my still warm bowl out of the microwave I walk back to my seat and sit down while Steve talks to Natasha.

"This may be indelicate, but are you now ready to ditch the tin man?" Tony jokes while I finally start to eat.

I answer after swallowing, "Not quite yet, but I do applaud your persistence. Maybe lay off for a while on the flirting though." Tony puts a hand over his heart and makes a dramatic expression.

"Cage my heart? Impossible." He jokes and I sigh with a little smile on my face. I finish my dinner and help clean up, then Tony drags me over to the couch to watch a movie. Natasha stays to watch me continue to shut down Tony and convinces Steve to stay as well so he doesn't just go hide in his room. I sit in the middle of the couch with Tony to my right, keeping me close with an arm around my shoulders. Just as the previews start, Bucky finally joins us and after pausing to send Tony a harsh glare, he sits to my left. I'm very much aware of the tension rolling off of Barnes. It's almost comical next to the calm and self-assured Tony. My eyes are on the screen so I nearly jump when I feel another hand on me. My head swivels to look at Bucky and he drops all stealth. His arm wraps around my waist and tugs me over to him so I'm basically in his lap. Tony's arm falls to his side and I hear Steve stifling his laughter over on the love seat.

James' arm settles comfortably around me and I can't help but relax back into his body like a favorite armchair. Tony shrugs over at me when I send him a not so apologetic look. Smirking a little, I take James' other hand in both of mine and hold it in my lap. For a few minutes I shut my eyes and let my head loll back on Bucky's shoulder. Metal and spice fill my nose and I smile that he never fucking changes his shampoo. Soft lips at my ear wakes me up, but my eyes don't open.

"You're missing the movie, doll." He whispers and presses a lingering kiss just under my ear. The happiness in my heart just from that little gesture is overwhelming and I can't keep the smile off my face. I turn to him and peck his neck, then look back at the screen. I have no clue what's happening in the movie, nor do I care. My focus is on just how tightly James is holding onto me, how when I move he moves too so I'm always comfortable. Even smaller, his deep breaths after brushing my hair with the tip of his nose to smell my shampoo and the way he absentmindedly rubs my hand with his thumb. This is what I've been missing all this time. This is my home; James.

Eventually the movie ends and we all get up, Bucky still clings to me possessively. Steve considers us with an amused, bewildered smile. "Siren, you're welcome to stay in your own place, but if you like we'd be happy to have you move in here. Your choice." He nods to Bucky and I before walking out the door with heavy steps. I'm about to suggest that James follow him to perk him up when Natasha slips out and winks at me, following Steve down the hall. Bucky starts walking before Tony can start talking and we end up back in his room.

"So, you think you could stand living in close quarters with me again?" I ask teasingly, but the question is a genuine one. James chuckles dryly as he disrobes on his way to his bed.

"Only if you promise this time it's permanent." His blue eyes glance over at me while his shirt and pants pool on the floor. My eyebrows go up as I consider him in his near naked glory.

"Are you trying to bribe me?" I point to his body and resist drooling. A charming smile lights up his handsome face.

"Is it working?" He jokes and I laugh at the levity in his voice. It's been ages since I've seen him calm and...happy like this. I walk over and go on my tip-toes to wrap my arms around his neck.

"Definitely." I report back and gently kiss his lips nice and slow. When we part he gets into bed while I trade my dress for one of his shirts. I slip under the covers and into his arms like the final piece of a puzzle, then tilt my head up to look into his eyes. "There are times I regret saying no when you proposed." My voice is quiet and my heart is content for the first time in years.

Bucky hums in acknowledgement. "Which time?" A breathy laugh escapes me at the question.

"Any time. Although that one in Thailand was shit." Now he laughs and I instantly grin at the light sound.

"Maybe it'll happen again one day. If you're good." I snort.

"Another bribe. Is this how it's going to be now Barnes? Bribes and sex?" I joke and back up just far enough to see his entire face. He presses a feather light kiss to the tip of my nose.

"Have a problem with that?" His tone is gruff and sexy and one of my favorites from him.

"Absolutely not."

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