Chapter Six-In Too Deep

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Chapter Six

In Too Deep

Two months pass with Bucky following me to whatever place I make up that I'm going next. The sex is...more than earth-shattering, but we both know it's more now. And that's scary as shit.

"For what? For fucking what?" He shouts, steam practically shooting out of his ears. I throw my jacket onto the floor and spin to face him.

"For you! You idiotic ass!" I shout back, our faces about a foot apart. "I'd do anything for you! Go anywhere for you, bastard!" I admit and calm down when I see the shock on his face. Sighing, I put my hands on either side of his face; the tips of my fingers tickled by his long hair. "Look, I get that it's dangerous but I don't care. Life on the run can't be that hard." I tell him, hiding the fact that I've always been on the run. This is the first time I've ever been convinced to stay. "We'll work it out. We'll move around a lot, okay? We'll see the world together. We'll go hiking in Belize and...and surf in Australia." I suggest, moving closer as I feel his shoulders relax. "Maybe even skinny dip in France." I joke but would do it in a second to make him happy. The corner of his mouth lifts and his hands snake around my waist to tug me close.

"Skinny dipping, huh? Sounds like France is the ticket." He murmurs in my ear and I tip my head back to laugh. His lips eagerly gain ground down my neck and across my collar bone. I hum with pleasure and run my nails up against his baby hairs, grinning when a growl rips out of him. His head lifts and the lust in his eyes dials back a bit. "And you're sure?" James asks again as if I could change my mind. A mischevious grin on my face, I push him back until he falls onto the bed. Finally, he lets himself smile, although it's a confused one. I climb onto the bed and straddle him, then set my hands on his chest.

"You think I changed my mind in the past five seconds, handsome?" I tease to hide my own insecurity. Honestly, no. I'm not sure about any of this. I should've turned him in the minute I found him, but I didn't. I should've never let him kiss me, much less get to this point. Somehow though, I can't help it. Never could. Like a tree on the side of a mountain, no matter how deeply I'm rooted, when an avalanche comes I fall. Hard.

"Can you not be a smartass about this?" He requests and an easy smile takes over my lips. I lean down and run a hand through his hair. His hands rub gently on my thighs, one hot and one freezing.

"I'm sorry." I apologize and give him my most innocent look. A couple seconds pass before he sighs and sits up, wrapping those strong arms around me and pressing our foreheads together.

"You're impossible." He informs me then gives me a quick, teasing peck.

"How else would I be able to deal with you if I wasn't?" I question and he gives me a smile. "What did you want to say, James? This isn't that different from what we've been doing the past two months." A deep chuckle rumbles through his chest and I settle down a little more comfortably in his lap. Blue eyes burn into mine as he considers his words for a moment. His metal hand reaches up and rests on my neck, letting his thumb skim over my cheek.

"This is different. You know it. You're just hiding that it affects you. You forget how well I've learned you, doll." He tells me and my heart constricts slightly at the paradox he doesn't know about. He simultaneously knows me the best and doesn't know me at all. "Listen. I...I haven't been able to keep many things in my life. Family, friends, everything left. Including my memories." He laughs dryly before looking back at me. His sapphire eyes sparkle in the faint moonlight drifting in from the window. "I'm just...I'd be glad if you're the one thing I manage to hold onto." His grip on me tightens as if still afraid I'll slip away. I'm afraid of that too. Only I'm afraid I'll be ripped away.

"James. I know. I know." I emphasize while staring into his eyes. Our heartbeats thunder in the silent room as we finally give in. Lips travel to what are now familiar destinations as clothes drift to the floor and bodies writhe on the bed. Afterwards, tangled together on damp, sweaty sheets, I place a hand on his chest over his heart. "You're what I'm holding onto too, you know."

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