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Sapphire pov

The forest of forever fall is where the plan began. My name is Sapphire Slunn, and I work with the white fang trying to take over Vale. It's the place I have grown up and now live, Cinder is very rude and can't stand not having control, yet we serve a darker master.

"You ready?" Asked my partner, Victor. His simi long spiked silver hair covered his dark blue eyes. I nodded and took out my weapon, which was a claymore sword with a blue hilt that could also turn into two hand guns that he has become extremely well trained in.

We looked out on Beacon, and I smiled. It was only a matter of time before we entered the tournament. But first Cinder told us to infultrate the school and gain thier trust something easily done with the lot of pawns here.

"Alright, you two, let's get going." Said Cinder's other two pawns, Emerald and Mercury. Victor and I nodded.

"Then let's go." Mercury said,  sliding a hand through his dark grey hair. We started towards Vale, and our journey has only just begun.

Ruby pov

"Oh my gosh!!!!" I yelled, waving my hands back and forth,causing my team to stare at me.

"What's up with you now?" Wiess said, glaring at me from across the table. 

"Oh, she's just excited about the tournament this week." said Yang, my older sister. "Gotta say I'm ready to fight too." She said, punching the air.

She was right. I was looking forward to fighting all these other people, but what excited me was getting to see what kind of weapons all my opponents would use and the tournament is in a week. But first, we had a school wide training course, and that had me on edge.

To be continued.

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