Ch. 14

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Victor pov

Cinder and her henchman came falling into the middle of the battle. I tried to stay unseen as I turned and picked the injured Wiess up. Explotions erupted behind me, but I didn't stop, I had to get somewhere safe for me and her.

"Wiess!" Came a girls voice, "Where are you taking her!?" She screamed. But I just ran, the explotions grew more and more distant. Dark clouds started to crowd overhead, and thunder boomed.

Yang pov

I stopped chasing the guy holding Wiess, she looked injured and for now I had more pressing matters to attend to. It's like stopping the bad guys. I swung, smashing my fist into any creature that got in my way, then a girl whose red eyes seemed to glow with power stood in my way.

"Wanna move?" I asked, annoyed as I reloaded my weapons. She put her hands on her hips and tilted them slightly, "Move me, little girl." She cooed. I growled and ran at her, but before I could touch her, a large airship flew over his head, casting a large shadow on us all. The girl looked up and then sighed, "Another time, maybe." And with that, she stepped through a large glowing portal. I looked around completely confused, and the airship floated down and landed. Thunder boomed overhead, and rain started to pelt us. Great, my hair is going to be a mess now...

"Yang!" Came Blake's voice, she and Ruby came running up.

"What the heck was that?" I asked, looking around at all the groaning bodies and pieces of robots lying around. Thankfully, all my friends seemed to be ok. They all stood off in their own groups, no doubt asking what had happened. Something tells me this isn't over.

Wiess pov

I woke to the cold rain hitting my face. I looked up into the eyes of Victor.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"Not far from the battle, im sorry, I just had to get you out of there." He said. His long hair stuck to his face, and he seemed out of breath.

"What! What about my team!? Is everyone ok?" I asked. He frowned and looked away, "Im going to find them!" I said, standing up to go see if they were ok. He grabbed my hand and turned me around to face him.

"Wiess please. I can't protect you out there..." I jerked away from him, my anger boiling over.

"I dont need protection. Im old enough and skilled enough to protect myself perfectly fine thank you." And then I stommped off.

To be continued...

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