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         Yang pov

I swung and jumped. The guy across from me had no chance. He was very discordinated with his weapon. Launching flare bombs from my gauntlents, I launched myself forward, kicking the guy in the head.

"End of match!" Came proffeser Goodwitch's voice. "Edwin, your aura has reached red, Winner is Yang from team RWBY."

I felt a surge of pride for winning my team a point. But my job was far from over.

"Next match, Yang vs li Ren." Prof.Goodwitch announced.

I reloaded my gauntlents and watched as team JNPR's Ren stepped across from me. He looked calm and collected.

Smieling, I said,"Hey Ren, what no leaks?"

He smirked, and I readied myself as prof.Goodwitch went over the rules one more time. "Remember, once your aura reaches red, the match is over. Good luck, you two." And with that, the match started, and the settings around us changed.

I was now standing in a forest, but I couldn't see Ren.

I started to run past trees and through bushes, looking for my opponent. Rin shouldn't be that much of a challenge, but of course, he was probably better equipped for the forest than a city girl like me.

A noise to my right caught my attention. I ran straight for the noise, and to my surprise, it was Ren standing in a clearing shooting at a Ursa with his back to me.

'Perfect chance to attack him,' I thought to myself, that was before a bigger Ursa charged at him from the side. He would have been done for until I appeared and hit the ursa, causing it to slide into a tree.

"Thanks, I'll beat you once we are done here." He said, shooting at the smaller ursa, killing it.

I charged(fist at the ready) at the bigger ursa. It reared up and growled. I yelled and punched it multiple times, but what really got me was the pain in my arms. I turned and frowned. The ursa faded, and Ren stood. I feel to my knees. He had his two small green guns pointed directly at me.

"Looks like I win." He said with a smile.

"How did you!?" I gasphed.

"Easy, I purpously found that ursa and made an aura copy knowing you were nearby."

I probably looked like a fish with my mouth wide open. He took a step forward, and that's when I saw it. A thin piece of my beautiful blonde hair was lying right in front of him.

I felt my rage grow. "YOU! YOU! GAHHA!!" Yelling, I exploded off the ground and sailed right at him with my fist raised. He ducked and shot but doing a backflip, I dodged his shot and went to kick him. He dropped one of his guns and caught my foot. With his other hand, he raised up and shot at me, but I knocked his gun away and went to punch him.

I felt myself start to be pushed backwards, and I flipped. In an instant, he grabbed one of his guns and ran at me, I landed and ran at him screaming. We connected, he shot twice, and I punched. Locked in battle, we weren't about to give up until prof.Goodwitch's voice came through the air. "Stop. The match is over. "

We looked around and noticed that we both were back in the schools battle arena.

"Sadly Yang and Ren have tied."

"What!" I yelled, taking out my scroll and saw that both Ren and my auras were red.

I accepted defeat and went and sat down. Ren followed.

"The next two to battle are Sapphire sunn and Ruby Rose." Prof.Goodwitch said. I watched as my little sister walked up to the arena. Then, a girl who i've never seen before walked up and stood across from Ruby. This may end badly.

To be continued.

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