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Victor pov

Once we made it to the square, I was surprised to see a small army of white fan members with none other than Romen Tourchwick and his partner Neo standing in front of them.

"It's that man again." Wiess said from my side.

"Again?" I questioned. She nodded and drew her sword and started to walk forward, but I put out my arm to stop her.

"Dont that's suicide. Us alone can't stop all of them."

"We aren't alone. Look, there's Blake and San." She said, pointing across the square. "And besides, we can't let them hurt those hostages." She said.

I frowned as I just noticed the small group of people huddled in the middle of Romen's small army. She was right. We had to get them out of there.

Blake pov

"Romen!" I yelled. He turned toward me and smiled, "Hello, there little cat. Oh, and the monkeys here, too? Am I throwing a party?" He asked, turning to Neo. She gave a small smile but shook her head. He shrugged and then said, "Then why are more people getting involved?"

"Let the people go." Sun said from my side. I noticed Adam hadn't followed. Romen looked over at the white fang members and smiled, "Well, get her." They all raced forward. There were at least fifty of them.

"You ready?" Sun asked as he took out his staff. I nodded and charged.

Yang pov

Honestly, I was looking forward to watching people fight. I wanted to fight myself. Maybe I could convince Ren to join me. We walked to the square, and I smiled until I saw the war that was going on. Blake and Sun were fighting with members of the white fang.

"They could use our help." Ren said. I smashed my fist together . Penny frowned and nodded. We all ran forward to help when out of the cornor of my eye, I saw Wiess and that guy she lost to attack Romen and Neo.

To be continued...

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