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Sapphire pov

Here I was standing across from the person Cinder hated most. Ruby Rose. She withdrew her scythe. It's long red and ready to go. I just stood my ground and waited.

"Ok. Good luck." Goodwitch said, then the sight around us changed into a barren rock battlefield. I looked around, knowing she couldn't have gotten that far because I could literally see the entire open field.

I heard a bang to my left and drew my sword instently blocking her strike. She backed up and concentrated on me. She yelled and swung at me again, but again, I blocked and stood my ground.

"Who are you? I haven't seen you here before." She said, struggling to bring down her scythe. I shrugged and forced her scythe up and charged forward, cutting her leg.

She shot toward me at increasing speed, but I just stepped out of the way and struck her. I couldn't see why Cinder was so threatened by this girl. She was weak. It was no time that Goodwitch called for the match to be over.

Breathing heavily, Ruby glared at me. I put my sword back and crossed my arms.

"Winner is Sapphire." Goodwitch announced. Ruby's team looked surprised.

"That was a waste," I say.

"Next is Sapphire vs. Cardin Winchester." Goodwitch said as a boy stood up who looked full of himself. This would be easy. Or so I thought.

To be continued.

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