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I wake and look at my phone. It's Sunday. An actual smile appears on my face. I didn't miss any days. I stop smiling because I remember I have a doctor's appointment today, and father is going call me a freak again, probably hurt me. I guess I am a little insane.

I get dressed in my usual and jog downstairs. My mom is making me toast.

"Hey, Ty, you ready for your appointment?" Mom asked.

"Sure." I said rudely.

I ate my toast and got my things together and waited for my mom in the car. On our way, my mom actually talked to me.


"So, what do you think is wrong with you?"

"I don't know, mom, I thought this was normal." I lied a little with that because I really didn't want to talk.

"Really? You really thought that?" She sounded harsh.

"Kind of. I knew was something wrong but I thought forgetting things was normal, sorry."

Her expression changed from confused to worry. She looked like she actually cared. "Honey, you do not have to say sorry, it's not your fault. And forgetting things is normal, but you forgot most of your childhood and a lot of important events in your life, that's not normal."

"Ok, Mom"


We arrived at the hospital and I looked up at the huge building and instantly got nervous. What if they will ask about my scars? Will they even look there? What if my Mom finds out about it? I know she will get sad. What if my Dad finds out? He will kill me.

I think of all these things as we walk into the hospital and check in. We go on the elevator and head to the waiting room. I anxiously wait for my name to be called.

"Tyler Joseph?" says the nurse that came through the door. My mom gets up quickly and I take my good old time, trying to take as much time as I can without being rude. We walk in to room and wait for the nurse.

The door opens and it's the nurse. "Hey, Tyler, how are you doing?"


"Ok, then. Well, why are you in here today, Tyler?" Why does she keep saying my name, I know that's me?

"Umm..." My Mom interrupts me because I really didn't understand why I was here.

"He just doesn't remember much at all anymore. I tried to talk to him about him grandfather, who died when he was young, and Ty doesn't remember him at all. I showed him pictures of them two together and he just doesn't remember."

"Hmm.... I will have to bring in the Doctor for that, but I will keep going on with the check-up. Tyler, could you come with me to get your weight and height."

I walked over slowly but I tried not to look nervous. I go on the scale,

"114 pounds." She looks at me sadly.

I walk over to the walk and stand beside the wall so she can get my height.


We go back to the room and I sit down at look at the floor waiting for the nurse to talk. She looks at my Mom and says.

"He is badly underweight. He is 114 pounds." My Mom look shocked and looks at me and turns her head back to the nurse.

"I see him eat normally. How is he underweight?" She kind of looks actually sad, like she actually cares.

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