3. Twitcam?

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"Vara! Vara! Vara!" The crowd cheers as I come up from under the secret compartment on stage. As I am going higher and higher, I see all the posters and flashing lights. I automatically smile when I see a poster that says, 'Vara, leave your boyfriend and date me!" I love my fans. I begin to hear the beginning of my song, This Is Me. I open my mouth to start singing, "I've alaways been the kind of gi-


"Ugh!" I hit the alarm as fast as I could. Why the hell did I forget to turn my alarm off. It's freaking 10 am on a Saturday. "Damn alarm," I say while going to the bathroom to freshen up for the day. That dream was amazing. Who was my boyfriend though? I don't even have a crush right now. I mean of course I have celebrity crushes like Dylan O'brien. He is beautiful. What I would give to meet him. Once I get out of the bathroom, I decide to leave my pjs on since its still early in the morning.

As I'm going downstairs, I hear Zayn and Mum in the kitchen. The rest of the boys are probably sleeping. "Hey guys," I notice they are already dressed for the day, "Where are you going?"

"To the hospital. Zayn wants to see Dad and I was going to go anyway. He is having chemo today so he will probably want some company." Mum says. I usually go with her to the hospital on Saturdays and she goes almost every weeknight. Its been hard, but we are pushing through.

"Do you want me to come with you?" I ask. I feel like I don't see him enough and it makes me sad because I do love him. I think I would go crazy without him being here.

"No sweetie, it's okay. Take care of the boys while we are gone. You can go tomorrow if you want. Have fun with the boys." Mum gives me a hug before she walks to the door.

Zayn gives me a hug too, "I'll tell him you say hi ok V?"

I sigh."Ok, tell him I love him too, yeah?"

"Okay, take care of the boys and make sure they don't wreck the house." He laughs lightly before leaving. I sigh while going to the cupboard to get the waffle mix. I'm guessing the guys will be hungry when they get up, especially Niall. I turn on the wafflie maker when I'm done with the batter. While I wait for the waffle maker to heat up ,I go on twitter.

100+ Mentions? What? I go to my notifications to see what was causing all this and I laugh when I see what caused this: @Harry_Styles retweeted your tweet. Harry retweeted my tweet from last night and added a smile at the end of it. I go to my mentions and laugh at what some of the girls were saying.


"@VeryVara is obviously showing harry the cool music. I SHIP IT."

"If @VeryVara and @Harry_Styles were to date, they would be perfect! Vara is just like us: a fangirl! She knows our language and what we want which is more Harry selfies!"

I love how they know I'm a fangirl and don't judge me for it. They know I'm a Lovatic and I tweet about Teen Wolf and Ed Sheeran all the time. I go on instagram and take a selfie of me with the waffle mix. I take the picture and look at it while picking a filter. I choose black and white since it makes my fishtail braid look black and Demi in my shirt stand out. I post it with the caption: Waffles with the Queen for the princesses ;). I then put my phone down to start making the waffles. Once I'm almost done with the last waffle, I hear the boys coming down the stairs.

"I SMELL WAFFLES!" Louis yells as he sits down at the table in the dining room. I gather the rest of the waffles and head out to the table to set up for them. Liam went to get the plates and gave everyone a plate.

"Thanks for putting the plates down," I say to Liam as I sit across from him and next to Harry. I smile at him and notice he is on twitter. He probably saw all the comments about us. "Apparently, I'm the cool one in the relationship." I laugh as I grab a waffle to put on my plate.

My Sunshine // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now