14. Possessive

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Watching Harry walk away made me feel sad to be honest...we were having such a good time.

Kyle walks in front of me and holds out his hands for me to grab. I look at his hands and immediately compare the look of them to Harry's. Nothing compares to his...Kyle's hands were smaller and looked rough. He didn't have any rings one which looks weird to me since I'm used to Harry wearing his signature rings.

"Everything okay Vara?" He asks while looking at me.

"Uh-h yeah, um I have to use the restroom really quick so can we postpone the dance for a minute?" I rush. He nods to me and I leave him standing there. I go to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My face is flushed and my hair is a bit frizzy but it's nothing too crazy. I close my eyes and breathe out for a minute. I count to three and go back outside. I go to the couches to get some more soda.

"Hey you okay Hun?" Sophia asks me.

"Yeah I'm okay, just got a bit dizzy." I say while looking at Harry. He's looking at the dance floor as if I'm not even here. Is he seriously mad at me? I look around and notice that Louis isn't there.

"Where's Louis?" I ask Eleanor.

"Oh he went to get some drinks with Kyle." She smiles at me and returns to her conversation with Sophia about shoes.

I look at Harry again and this time he is staring back at me. "Har-" I was cut off by Kyle.

"Hey Vara, ready for that dance now?" He smirks at me but I don't get the same feeling I get from Harry's smirks...oh my god stop comparing him to other people Vara!

I put my soda down, "Sure. Let's go." I say to him. We go to the dance floor and a fast song comes on. I look around to see everyone grinding. I don't really like dancing like that... I would only dance like that with someone I love, not one of my friends like Kyle.

Kyle puts his hands on my waist and pulls me a bit closer to him. I try to pull away from his grip on me but he pulls me closer. He is looking behind me and then back at me.

"Kyle.." I trail off as he pulls me closer. I'm not comfortable right now so I used my hands to push his chest away from mine. "Kyle, what are you doing?"

"Having fun Vara. Relax." He laughs and slides his hand down my back. I try to put his hand back up where he isn't skimming the top of my bum. He slides it down once more and touches the top of it. I gasp and try to get out of his grip.

"I suggest you get your fucking ugly ass hands off her ass or I will happily break them for you." I look to see Harry next to me with his hands in fists at the side of his body and anger in his eyes. I've never heard his voice that husky and deep before...I know this is like the worst time for this but I was 100% turned on right now. I guess the fans are right...Dark Harry is real.

Kyle keeps his hands on me as I'm trying to push him away, "And what if I don't," he smirks, "What if I even want to squee-" I gasp and my eyes widen in shock as I see Harry grab Kyle by the throat and lift him off the ground.

"Harry! Stop!" I yell at him.

He ignores me as he says to Kyle, "Wrong answer, let's take this outside shall we?" He releases Kyle from his death grip and grabs his shirt and pulls him out the door. I run after them and the rest of the gang follows. Harry pulls Kyle to the side of the club where there is no audience. A fist fight is the last thing One Direction need in the headlines right now.

"Look man, how can I not keep my hands off her. She's fucking hot...man the things I would to that bo-" he is cut off by Harry punching him in the face. I try to walk closer to them but I'm being held back by Liam.

"Watch your fucking mouth asshole, that's my sister!" Zayn yells but is also being restrained by Niall. I look at the girls and they are hiding behind their boyfriends and covering their eyes. I look to see if Louis could help but he is pacing back and forth behind Ely and Niall...why is he pacing?

"And what a shame that is, I'm glad she's not my sister or else I wouldn't be able to jerk of-" Harry punches him hard in the face and knocks him on the floor. Harry then jumps on him and punches him repeatedly. Kyle gets a few punches in and that's when I lose it.

"Harry stop! P-please stop!" I yell at him and fight against Liam's hold.

"Yeah Harry listen to your little slut," Kyle groans as harry punches him in the face again.

"Don't-" punch "You," punch "Ever," punch "Fucking," punch "Touch," punch "Her," punch "Again or I will kill YOU!" punch.

Harry keeps punching and I can't stand seeing him hurt himself and all this blood. Kyle is almost close to death based on the amount of blood I'm seeing on the floor.

Harry keeps punching and everyone is yelling at him to stop but he isn't listening. I know Harry is mad because Kyle touched me bu- wait he touched me, he touched what isn't his...

I gasp and fight against Liam even more. I'm kicking the air and scratching his arms trying to get him to release me.

"Harry stop please! P-please stop for me! I'm b-begging yo-u!" My voice cracks at the end. He isn't stopping. I say the one thing I know that will stop him.

"I-I'm yours, Harry! I'm yours!" I blurt out to him and I swear the moment those words left my mouth, his fists stopped punching.


Big chapter! Omg possessive Harry is beautiful in a twisted way.

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