8. New Kid and Cheeky Haz

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Why is school so early? Why do I have to leave my warm bed and leave my laptop just to get an education. I will never use trig in my life. Its Monday morning and the boys left to go back to their families last week. I miss them already even though we still text almost everyday.

I walk to the bathroom to get this ugly day started. Once I'm done in the shower, I grab my phone and go on twitter for a bit since I have extra time. I decide to send a tweet.

@VeryVara: It's raining outside and its grey and cloudy and all I want to do is lay in bed and watch 13 Going on 30. My favorite movie of all time.

I put my phone down and begin to get dressed. I put some ripped light blue skinny jeans and my white converse with a cream sweater. I pin some of my hair back since its raining. I put BB Cream and a little bit of mascara. I head downstairs to see Mum drinking coffee.

"Morning Mum." I kiss her on the cheek.

"Morning love, how are you?"

"I just want to stay in bed and watch movies." I whine and hug her.

"Aww sweetie you can home another day, I promise. When you have a real reason to stay home, you can okay?"

I sigh, "Fine. Alright I gotta go or else I'll be late. Tell Zayn I say hi when he wakes up" I laugh as I grab my messanger bag and leave.

I walk outside to see Ely's car. Oh man I missed her. "ELY!" I say while running up to the car. She rolls down the window and smiles at me, her blonde hair in a pony tail, "What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were driving me today."

"I wanted to surprise you! Now get in before we are really late." She says. I hop in the car and we catch up a bit while driving to school.

"So do you miss Niall yet?" She was sad when he left to the airport but he promised that he would come back soon.

She sighs. "Yeah, I spoke to him last night. He's good."

We arrive at school and I walk to my locker. I check my phone to see that I have some spare time. I have English first so I decide to take the book we are reading for class out of my locker. I suddenly get pushed into my locker.

"What the hell?" I turn around to see that someone pushed into me.

"Sorry, I, eh tripped over my shoe," A tall brunette boy with blue eyes, with a fairly nice smile I might add, said to me. I looked up at him since he was a bit taller than me. Not as tall as Harry though, I thought to myself. Wait why am I comparing this kid to Harry?

"Oh, it's okay..." I trail off as I wait for him to tell me his name.

"Kyle," he answers back while smiling at me.

"Vara," I answer back. "I haven't seen you around here, are you new?"

"Yeah, just transferred."

"Oh, that's cool" I close my locker as I hear the bell. "Well I better get to class."

"What class do you have now?"

"English" I say I start walking in the direction of the class.

"Me too, I'll walk with you." He says as he catches up with me.

We get to class on time, thank god, and I sit in my assigned sit and Kyle sits in the back. Throughout the period I hear a hissing sound from the back. I turn around to see Kyle as he waves to me. I shake my head and turn around. This kid is something else.

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