28. MTV

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"I'm going to stab a bitch."

I laugh through the phone, "Ely relax. It's just high school."

"V you don't understand. These people are so stupid and immature. I wish I could be with you on tour." She grumbles through the phone.

Liam left 2 weeks ago and I miss him already. I'm laying down on the couch watching MTV while I'm on the phone with Ely.

"There has to be one good person in there that you talk to," I say.

"Nope. Not one. The only time where they talk to me is to ask if I'm dating the blonde one from 1D." She laughs.

"Oh wow. What do you tell them?"

"I just walk away, they don't need to know my business," she says sassily.

"That's true. They pro-" I feel another call coming, "-Ely let me call you right back, I have another call." I hang up on Ely and pick up the incoming call.

"Hello?" I ask.

"Hello Vara, it's Simon, I just wanted to remind you of your MTV interview today at 3." Simon says.

Oh damnnn I forgot. Oh well, at least I still have time to get ready. "Oh yes, I'll be there. Thank you for reminding me Si." I smile.

He laughs, "You're welcome Vara. Have a nice day." He hangs up.

I get off the couch and start to get ready. As I'm putting my black jeggings on, I hear a familiar name on MTV.

"Is Dylan O'brien trying to send flirty messages to Vara Malik? This is so true. He tweeted Vara a happy 4 month anniversary to her and Harry but the message had a flirty undertone. Harry had no shame in telling Dylan that Vara is completely taken. Over here at MTV we love Dylan but what do you think of Dylan? Is he trying to break Varry up?"

I turn off the TV and continue to get ready. I can't believe they would say those things and they don't even know how Dylan felt. I put a flowy white blouse and black combat boots. I take my hair out of the braid that I wore last night and l leave it loose. It's nice and wavy, just how I like it.

I get in the car that is going to take me to my interview and I'm kind of nervous. I take my phone out and call Curly.

"There's my beautiful baby!" He says cheerfully.

I smile at how happy he sounds, "Hi babe, what's up?"

"Lou is doing my hair for meet and greet, what about you?"

"On my way to MTV for an interview." I sigh.

"Nervous love?" He asks softly.

"How did you know?" I laugh. He knows me too well.

"A good boyfriend just knows. Now just calm down, close your eyes and just breathe." He says soothingly.

I do as he says and breathe deeply for a few moments and when I'm done I feel 100 times better.

"Better?" He asks.

"Much. Thank you H." I say softly.

"That's what I'm here for love. I gotta go get dressed and Lou is telling me to hang up so I'll call you later yeah?"

I laugh, "Yeah okay, have fun at the concert. Tell many horrid jokes!" I tease.

"They aren't horrid, the girls laugh everytime."

"They laugh because they love you," I say matter of factly.

"I love you." He says and I can tell he is blushing or smirking...or both.

"Smooth. I love you too." I laugh.

"Bye baby," he says and I say bye and he hangs up. Just in time too because when I put my phone away, the driver pulls up to the building.

I step out of the car and am met with paps. I just smile and ignore them and walk inside. A small women with glasses and a clipboard is standing in front of the front desk. Once she sees me she lights up.

"Ms. Malik welcome to MTV, we are ready for you now," she says as she walks into the elevator with me behind her.

Once we get up to the 14th floor, she leads me to a room with many lights and 2 chairs in the middle. I sit in the one she tells me to sit in and not even a second later, hair and makeup people come to fix me up. They don't put too much makeup on which is good. They put some hairspray in my hair and mess it up to give it that effortless feel to it.

They are finished and the interviewer comes in and introduces herself as Angela and we begin the interview right away.

"So Vara, how is the tour going?" She asks while the lights are all in my face. What if my shirt is see through with all the lights? Oh my god. Breathe Var.

I smile, "The tour is amazing. The fans are incredible and they take my breath away every single night."

"Is there a show that was your favorite?"

"Um I don't like to pick favorites because then I would make the others feel sad but one of the most memorable shows was the Cardiff show." I smile.

"Oh that was the show where Harry played that video message right?" She smiles.

I blush and nod, "Yeah, that was a good show,"

"How hard is it to keep a relationship thriving while you are thousands of miles apart?"

"It's all about communication. We talk on the phone almost every single day just to catch up on what we did that day or we text." I smile just thinking about our funny conversations.

"Do the fans ever get in the way of your relationship?"

I shake my furiously, "Never, I know that the girls are his work wives and girlfriends and I'm his home girlfriend." I laugh.

She laughs, "Same goes to you I assume,"

"Yeah of course, but that's just apart of the job." I say.

"So tell me what is going to happen after tour, album #2?"

I nod, "Yes definitely, I have written out some ideas for songs on the next album already."

"That sounds interesting." She looks into the camera, "We will have more on Vara after the break," the cut sound happens and everyone breathes a sigh of relief.

"Hey Vara, I'm sorry I'm late. There was a lot of traffic." Sarah comes up to me and brings me a bottle of water.

"It's okay Sar, I have to go the restroom really quick so just let them know not to start without me." I joke and she laughs.

As I'm walking down the hallway I go on my phone to check if I have any unread messages. I go on twitter real quick to see what's going on...what? People are saying Dylan is in Lon-

"Ouch," I mumble as I look up to see what I bumped into. I see a broad back facing me and the person turns around and my widen.

He smirks at me, "So we finally meet in person,"

I can't even move, this is unreal. I just look at him with a blank stare.

"Oh sorry, how rude of me, I'm Dylan from Teen Wolf but I'm guessing you already knew that since you're a big fan and all," he puts his hand out for me to shake.

This can't be real life.



Does anyone else miss Harry and Vara together in the same room? Lol I do.


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