7. Panyno Time

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Hii I just wanted to say thank you to whoever is actually reading this, makes me happy :) Leave comments on your favorite moment so far and what you would like to see. :)


As soon as we got home I said hi to the boys and went up to my room and closed the door. Im currently pacing back and forth thinking about what Harry said in the car.

"What is he hiding? Harry doesnt seem like he is hiding anything?" I mumble to myself with my arms crossed over my chest. Im so deep in thought that I dont hear the door open until someone begins to speak.

"You know you look like a crazy person when you do that right?"

"I can do whatever I choose to in my room Panye," I stop pacing and sit on bed while looking at him teasingly.

"What's on your mind, love?" He sits next to me.

"Alot of things," I groan as I cover my face.

"Okay, tell me one at a time then," he says while rubbing my back lightly. I take my hands off my face and rest them on my lap.

I sigh, "Well for starters my Dad looked better today but Im still worried about him. And I'm mad. I'm mad that he is in the hospital for lung cancer when he has never even had a smoke in his life! Liam what is that! That is some serious bullshit! And then I started to cry and I know he doesnt want me to be sad over it, but its hard you know? I just wish I could wake up from this terrible nightmare." I breathe out after my outburst. I needed to get that out.

He sighs, "Vara life isnt fair, sometimes things happen and we cant explain why. Things always get worse before they get better. So it may be bad right now, but it will pay off in the end, I promise."

"Yeah thats true. Everything happens for a reason. Dad always told me that. Jeez Liam when did you become so deep?" I laugh a bit, trying to lighten the mood.

He brushes imaginary dirt off his shoulders, "Its what I do. Now what else is on your mind."

"Harry," I say softly.

"Harry?" He raises his eyebrows while looking at me with an emotion I cant read...hope maybe?

"Yeah, I mean he said something to me in the car..." I trail off.

"What did he say?" His looks concerned.

"Nothing bad...he just...he said to never bottle up my emoitions and I asked why and he said not being able to show an emotion is one of the worst feelings in the world. What does he mean by that?"

He looks away from me and scratches his neck and then back at me, "I dont think he was talking about himself specifically, I think it was just in general. And hes right, holding back feelings is not healthy..." He trails off.

"Holding back feelings? I didnt say that Li...is he talking about the girl he likes? Has he not told her how he felt?" I ask curiously.

He eyes widen quickly but then go back to normal, "No! He just uh has to hold himself back from doing certain things in front of the fans. You know how they get jealous whenever hes with someone they dont approve of." He sighs.

"Yea, I guess. Aw, poor Haz."

"Yup, poor Haz indeed." He says softly.

"Well thank you for your advice and everything Li. It really helped. Now I can act like a normal person again." I laugh as I bump my shoulder against his.

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