12. Teen Wolf

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We are in the car on our way back from the studio; she finished recording Daydreamin'. She sounded incredible on it. I wonder who that song is about? It better not be about that Kyle kid. I get a bad vibe from him...well I get a bad vibe from any guy around her who isn't me to be honest. She also finished writing another one but I didn't read the whole title. I just saw that it started with a C...

She's on her phone with her feet on the dashboard and she couldn't look any cuter. I have to restrain myself from putting my hand on her thigh as I drive. I can't believe she forgot what she was talking about when I put my hand on her leg in the studio. She was so cute getting all nervous and blushy. Sophia's big mouth almost ruined everything.

She also kissed me on the cheek and I couldn't be happier...well I could be if she kisses me on the lips...and never stops. I smirk to myself. She laughs and then her mouth opens in shock, "Whats wrong V?" I ask.

"Liam posted a video of us hugging from the video chat! That sneaky little...sneak!"

I bust out laughing, "Sneaky little sneak? Really V? You could come up with better than that."

She laughs and looks at me, "Yeah I could, I just didn't get enough time." She looks back at her phone, "Oh my gosh the comments are crazy."

"Crazy good or crazy bad?" I ask concerned. I wouldn't want her getting hate. That would break my heart to see her get hurt.

"Crazy good." She smiles. I park the car in her driveway and we get out. She hops down and I can't help but laugh at her. She is so damn short compared to me but I love it.

"Stop laughing at me!" She laughs as she yells at me as we walk in the house and sit on the couch.


As Harry turns on the T.V., I keep looking at the comments on the video. I really can't believe Liam posted that video let alone took it. He posted it on twitter with the caption: Reuniteddd and it feels so good ;). The comments are quite cute and fangirly.


Can I get a hug like that @Harry_Styles?

I dont know which one is more lucky in that hug.



Harry is just flipping through channels while I'm laughing at these comments. He gives up and leaves it on the news and gets up. I think he is going to the kitchen. I gasp and smile.

"ICE CREAMM!" I yell towards him. He looks back at me with eyebrows furrowed and the cutest look in his eyes.

"Whaa?" He says in a way that you can hear his thick accent. My heart is racing when I hear his voice like that.

I laugh, "You once said and I quote, ' you can get get anything that you want, baby just shout it out,' so I did." I smile at him and he rolls his eyes while going to the kitchen. He comes back with two ice cream pops.

"That isn't what I meant" He mumbles while giving me one.

"Oh please Styles I think everyone knows what you meant when you grabbed your junk while singing that line on tour." I say and he blushes a bit. I look at my ice cream and notice his is 2x the size of mine. "Hey! Why is yours so big?!"

He bursts out laughing again and his head goes back. I love when he laughed like that. "That's what she said!"

"Oh jeez. How old are you 12?" I say as I giggle. I look at him as he takes a big bite out of the side. Who just bites their ice cream like that? He is a little weirdo.

"Let's take a picture, yeah?" He asks. I nod and hold out my little pathetic little ice cream next to his giant one. He takes it and uploads it to instagram. He didn't tag me in it but its obvious that he is with me since Liam's video and Harry's picture from the studio.

I get the remote and go to the DVR to see if I have to catch up on anything. Teen Wolf?? why didn't I watch it yet..oh I was in the hospital with Dad when they gave it. I smile and jump up and down on the couch with my ice cream. I press play and put the remote next to me. When Stiles comes up I squeal like the little fangirl I am. Harry scoffs.

"Why do we have to watch this show V?" He whines. I pause the show and look at him.

"Harry one does not talk when Stiles is on TV okay? Shh its a new episode. We can watch Friends later, I promise." He nods and covers his mouth and looks at me so seriously I couldn't help but laugh. I take my phone and take a picture of him because I couldn't pass this opportunity up. I post it on twitter.

@VeryVara: I told him no one talks when Stiles is on TV...this is what he did... :P

I put my phone down and press play again. I watch the show as Harry looks at his phone. Ugh. Typical boy. A couple mintues into the show I feel Harry's fingers on the side of my stomach. I start to panic on the inside. Please tell me his isn't- "Harry!" I laugh while yelling at him.

"Why are you yelling at me V?" He says innocently while smiling as his fingers dig deeper into my sides.

"S-stop t-t-tickling m-me!" I laugh as I hear him laugh with me.

"Say Stiles is ugly," He digs his fingers deeper into my sides while laughing at me.

"N-nev-ver!" I stutter out. I can barely breathe and I'm sure my face is as red as a tomato by now.

"Fine. Say Harry is the sexiest and I want to sit on his face!" Oh my god. I'm dying. I'm now on my back and he is hovering over me as he tickles me.

I can't take it anymore, I need air. "Harry is the sexiest-" I laugh at him as he continues.

"And!" He laughs and his hair has now fallen in his face and I take a second to take in his position on me. He is basically straddling me...this would be awkward if he wasn't one of my best friends.

"I want to sit on his face!" I scream at him as he tickles me one last time. He is still hovering over me  and I am panting like crazy trying to catch my breath. He notices his position on me and gets up and sits back next to me. I sit up and he puts one arm around the back of the couch and the other on my legs again. Not that I complain this time.

"I can't wait." He smirks at me and I roll my eyes playfully and go back to watching Teen Wolf.


I loved seeing her laugh like that. I rub my hand on her leg to get some sort of reaction so she can stop watching Stiles on TV. She doesn't get up or react like how she did in the studio, just a slight smile. I slide my hand up further to see what she does. I can see goosebumps form where my hand used to be. I smirk at her when she pushes my hand down back to it's original place on her leg. I love my effect on her, it makes her 10x cuter. Her legs are so soft and beautiful. I would love to see them wrapped around my waist while she pulls my hair and moans my name while I thru-

My dirty thoughts are cut short when Vara laughs at what stiles said on tv. I sigh, Vara is seriously obsessed with this guy. He's not even that good looking. He looks like some average kid on the street. Why would she want to sit on his face anyway? I look on my phone so that I don't have to watch this kid. I go to my twitter to see the notifications from the picture she just put up.


Vara is a lucky bitch

#Varry is OTP NO JOKEE

Pfft...someone is whipped. but they are cute, not gonna lie

Whipped? I'm not whipped...We're in love...she just hasn't realized it yet.

My Sunshine // Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now