{thirty nine}

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I finished eating my delightful cake. I freaking love cake. Finn grabbed my bag and we went to his room. He laid my bag down, as I jumped onto his bed. "Your bed is still so comfy." I said laying there all laid out. Finn laughed. "Y/N, will you go on a date with me?" Finn said. "Huh?" I said looking up. I haven't been on a date in forever. "Will you go on a date with me to a concert?" He asked.

"what concert?" I asked. "A Billie Eilish, cause I know she's your queen." He said. I jumped up faster then you could say 'free food.' "Hell yeah I will!" I said hugging him. He hugged back and we stayed like that for a few moments. "You know I never lost feelings for you." He said, still holding onto me. "And you know I never lost feelings for you. Buttt ya kinda ending up having hate with those feelings." I said. "Yikes hate and love." He said laughing.

   "Haha yeah." I said smiling. Finn jumped on his bed and laid beside of me. He grabbed his phone and took a picture. "Instagram worthy?" He said shaking me the photo. "Definitely." I said smiling. I took his phone out of his hand. "Ugh rude," He said laughing. I smiled. I got on his Snapchat and hacked it because I gotta be like everyone else. I handed him his phone. "I'm tired." I said looking over at him. "Me too." He put his phone on his side table. Before I knew it we were cuddling. And I felt safe again. Then everything went black. I was sound asleep.

(Sksk alsoo if you us haven't you should totally check out my other books if you haven't yet. Oop no I didn't just self promo my self.)

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