{fourty five}

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As we arrived at the park, I just kept on crying. Tearing streaming down my face, faster and faster. "Y/n he never deserved you! You deserve someone so much better!" Noah said, rubbing my back. "Yeah, honestly screw him." Gaten and Millie said. But sadly the tears wouldn't stop.

"I-I trusted him again. After he betrayed me. But yet I still came back, and I have no reason why I should've came back. He sweet talked me, told me he still cared. I even got warned that he was seeing Iris. But I didn't listen," I said slightly humbling the words, "I thought he was the one." I said sighing, looking at the ground. "May, I be a alone?" I said looking up at the three faces.

They all nodded there head and left me. With my thoughts. I looked back at the ground. Letting my tears make the ground wet. As I continued to cry, I heard foot steps approaching me. But I didn't look up. Then before I knew it I could feel someone sit down beside of me. "Y/n." That so familiar voice lurked, that voice that's caused so much sadness in my life, so much madness, so much happiness. But I can't do it.

  "Y/n please look at me." Finn said. I rose up, my face was hot and I know I was tear stained and red face but I don't care. "What Finn. are you coming here to say I'm sorry, for the millionth time, which yet you still find a way to hurt me. Or are you here to tell me, your write my ex best friend?" I said, tears trying to form, but me blinking them back.

He looked at me blankly no facial expressions or anything. "Y/n you don't understand. I don't mean to hurt you. But I always do, people make mistakes. Your forgive and forget. Sadie and I are nothing, she came on me. And you should know that! Y/N M/N L/M, I love you! I love you more than anything! I would take my life for you!" He said raising his voice to a unnecessary level. "Finn, if you loved me. You wouldn't have hurt me. If you would have wanted me back, you would've pushed her away. And I'm not coming back. I think it's best if we don't communicate anymore." I said, pushing myself off of the bench. And walking, walking back to my house.

  I just lost the first love I have ever had.

Heartbreaker ; Finn Wolfhard X readerWhere stories live. Discover now