{Fifty Eight}

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The day went on, and my cheeks were so sore from smiling. Everything we did today was amazing, Noah even put ice cream in my nose. At the moment Noah was using the restroom, so i was sitting at the water fountain. i was scrolling through Instagram. Then i felt someone sit beside me, i looked up to see Finn.

"y/n?" he looked me straight in the eyes. i couldn't say anything, so i just stared. "how? how could you do this to me? i love you, i always have loved you. if you would just sit and listen to me you would hear me out. but no, you've done moved the fuck on. i know i've made the worst mistakes before, but every relationship goes through this. i
hope you have a nice life, because i'm done." and with that a teary eyed Finn walked away. Not just out of the mall, but out of my life.

what did i just do? i let the love of my life leave. Noah doesn't like me, we're best friends. what am i doing? i pushed myself off the water fountain and ran towards Finn. i pulled him around, "listen you can't say that i fucking hurt you. you did this! i wouldn't have to do everything i did if you and Sadie didn't happen. if you didn't cheat! if you just payed attention to me. all i wanted was your love Finn, but you never ever payed attention to me. you were always down some other girls throat. i'm sorry i'm not out here acting like a slut! i'm sorry that i don't wanna loose my virginity until i'm ready. you don't have any right to blame this on me. just think about everything you did," at this point i was bawling my eyes out. i turned around and walked to the bathroom waiting for Noah.

Noah was done out, and the first thing he did was hug me. "let's go back to your place," he said still holding me. he grabbed my hand, and we walked out to the car.

I'm. fucking. done. with. this. bullshit.
i thought to myself.

authors note//
i updated :))))

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