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---Published on Aug. 19---

"So whats going on little bro?"

"Well I became Batman," Bruce starts, " I also got my own team now."

"Yes I know of all your little schemes."

"How so, please do tell."

"Well let's just say that night after Halloween, five years ago. When that intruder came in. Well that was me, I was putting up a small invisible camera on the wall of your Batcave. I just can't believe the looks on Dick and Wally's faces when they realized that they couldn't find me or the camera. It was hilarious." Danny starts to laugh

"Come on, WHY did you do that to me now I have to go look for it. Why do older brothers always have to be over protective?"

"Okay, look I g-got t-to run."

"Why in are you in such a rush, you should stay with me. It will be so much fun." 

If you were an average person you would not have seen the little smile that grew on his face. Luckily I did.

I'm running from someone who wants me dead. Also you are not going to blackmail me into staying a night at you big mansion. Ya got that."

"Oh come on please. It's not like you have anything better to do. Except maybe finishing up those books you've been writing. 

What are they called: 'The ghost of Amity Park' or something like that. By the way don't tell the team who you are, they might eat you up and spit you out. If you get what I mean."

"Yeah I know what you mean." Danny replied

"Please, come on you got to come. PLEASE!!!?"

"I never saw an old man beg before. Fine, alright but we must hurry the Giw are coming. They'll be estatic when they find out they got their old toy back."

"Im not old, thrity years old is not that old."

"Fine, but I am deffenintly older than you, I am like 73 years old. Although, I don't look a day over 16. We have to run back to my place get my stuff and head out. Lets go!"


They got everything the computer the news articles. Lastly, they packed his clothes in a duffel bag and the headed out the door.

Danny got to Bruce's black limo. The jumped in and started driving back to the mansion.

"Do you remember what I said adout those suspicious people. About how they ask too many questions."

"Yeah?" Bruce asks

"Well some people on your team are very nosy. Keep me on the low key and remeber what I said about my past."

"Yes I remeber."

Okay good, make sure to keep that in mind when they start asking questions about how we know each other."

"Okay." Was all Bruce said

"So are we almost there yet, I am stsrting to get bored."

"Hey you might not actually be a teenager but sure hell act like one."

Yeah, I guess I'm just cursed to act like a sixteen year old fir the rest of my life. Boohoo, it is so sad." Danny mock sobbed

"It looks like were here now, let's go."

"Oh, I can't wait to crash the mansion." Danny said with a devious smile

"You are not aloud to crash the mansion the mansion. I alread have a bunch of other teenage boys doing that."

"Why not, just because you grew up does not mean I have too." 

"Whatever, act your age."

"You really want me to act my age. What do you want me to start acting like a grandpa. Oh Sonny, don't tip that lamp you'll break it. Oi Oi where are lamb chops. Oh here they are under the toadstool."

"Oh stutup." Bruce says in a stern voice

"Oh come on you know you love me."

"I may say I love you but it dosent mean I have to act like."

"Wow, that is cold."

"You might be, but what am I."

"Really punny, maybe instead of being Batman you should persue career as being a comedian. That was hilarious, *cough* Not!" Danny almost chokes out

"Fine, maybe I will think about. Knock on the door. NOW!!!

"Alright alright, Geez." Danny goes to knock on the door When...

《Linebreak... was going to stop here but whatever》

"Hello Master Bruce, and who might this be?"

"Alfred, it's me Danny."

"Hello Master Danny, how are you?"

"Wait you two know each other?" Bruce cuts in

"Yes we met when Alfred was about 24 years old. He was a very strapping  young man, and yes I am very well."

"Wow you really are old." Bruce said

"Yeah laugh it up Brucey. DANNY FENTON will get you back. I will make my self known!!!" *evil laugh*

"Wait Danny Fenton, the Danny Fenton, the author of the best selling book series AHHH!!" A loud and obnoxious voice said 

((Can  you guess who said it, I bet you can))

"Oh great, obsessed phans, how wonderful." Danny says in a very sarcastic tone

Bruce says, "Do you always have to be so sarcastic?"

"Yes in fact I do deal with it." Danny answers

"Hey you wanted to make yourself known. Wally, Dick come down here  and meet are esteemed guest and my best friend."

"Wait, Bruce Wayne and Daniel know each other?"

"Yes, now please call me Danny. I hate the Daniel." Danny hissed

"Hi my name is Wally and this is my best friend, Dick. We know who you are."

"Oh how wonderful." Danny says sarcastically. Which earns him a slap on the head from Bruce


"Fine... I mean; it is worderful to meet you, Wally and Dick. My name is Daniel J. Fenton and yes, I am the author of best selling series in America.  How do you do? Danny

"Oh my speeder of speedster ville. Composure, don't you mean the best selling series in the world. I LOVE your books. I am doing just fine. THANKYOU!!!!

"Calm down speedy your going to give me a big headache.  By the where are guest bedrooms."

"Come this way Master Danny the rooms are down this hallway." Alfred beckons with his gloved hand

"Oh you don't have to call me Master Danny, Alfred," Danny tries, "You can just call me Danny."

"That will not do, Master Danny, everything is very formal here.

Fine... alright, but just so you know I do not like that name one bit."

"OH, I know Master Danny."

Snickers in the backround from Bruce, Walley, and Dick.


So how was that it was my first long chapter  

Well see ya'll around

Bye now

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