Ch. 18

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Danny went back home to his house, he was tired. He found his duffel bag, where he left it all those few months ago. He went through it finding a bottle of whiskey. 

"I'm addicted to it, and it's all Vlad's fault. To bad that pile of scum is dead otherwise I would have probably ripped that man to pieces with my bear hands." he mumbled

I'd tear out the man's organs and feed them to the fish, if I had any that is. If I had any fish I'd get a pet shark. You probably I'm psychotic don't you. Well I kind of am.

A few years I was tested, when I was sent to psychiatric ward.  The reason I was sent there was because I blew up a museum and then. When the police officers came to arrest me; I burned them. I set fire to their clothes.

It was like hell fire burning down on the unrighteous scum of the earth. It was like the quiet before the storm and it was as magnificent as hell itself.

Well the tests came back, positive. I'm insane as shit, and I'm glad I burned those officers alive. Hell, I might have decided to burn down the whole town, but they stoped me before then.

I took the bottle of whiskey and chugged it down.

"I hate my life, and I just wish I could die," I said to myself

I tried a couple of times, to commit suicide. It all backfired. I shot myself in the head, apparently my healing abilities can mend a shotgun wound, toot sweet.

It doesn't matter how hard I try, never works.

'And it never will,' a voice that I haven't heard in a long time said

"What do you want?"

'What I've always wanted, you to become me.'

"I will never become you, Dan. So you can forget it."

'Oh I think you will, your tired, and your mind probably can't take much more of this. Soon your mind will break, and you'll probably be sent to the crazy house for the rest of your life. I'll take over, and then you will become me. It's only a matter of time.'

"Oh come on, your starting to sound like Clockwork now, and stay out of my head," he said a little too loudly

The voice I heard was and there was only silence to comply to my demand.

"Now I'm talking to myself, thanks a lot."

"Indeed you are," a voice I recognized said

I quckly picked up the bottle resting on the table and broke it. I whirled. It was a teenager about the same age as I appear to be. He had mismatched white and black hair, holding a red helmet. There was a dark green domino mask covering his eyes.

The kid was wearing a tight dark shirt with a red batman insignia, tan pants, and black shoes. I know this kid; "Red Hood," I said.

"In the flesh, hey Danny kid, how's it going?"

"Good, and you," I asked

"Batman is still getting on my nerves and Dick is annoying as usual."

"I know how that feels, Batsy won't leave me alone. He insists that I call him dad. My dad was a horrible scumbag that abused me, know one knew. That doesn't mean I wanted anyone to know. If I had told anyone he probably would have chocked me with a belt."

He got his duffel bag and took out a knife. The he put his hand on the side table and put the knife though his skin. Danny closed his eyes in pain.

"Is this what you do in your free time, openly abuse yourself for things you couldn't have controlled."

"Maybe, but why do you care," he asked as he opened the door to his fridge

He took out another bottle of whiskey.

"I care because you're my friend, one of the few friends I have or care about."

He opened the bottle and closed the fridge door. Danny drank the whiskey.

"Well I'm sorry I have a drinking problem, but it isn't my fault. It's Vlad, the scumbag's fault. If you're mad then go blow his brains out for all I care. Actually we should do that, I'll come with you."

"I'm not gonna kill someone just because you told me to. Besides you're probably drunk as shit now or somethin, so stay here."

Danny tried to get up but he  yelled in pain, half of his hand was split in two. It was a bloody mess.

"This is crap, I hate my damn life," he pushed the two halves together and his skin started to mend

He tore the knife off the table, he threw it and hit the picture of superman in the middle of the temple. That was in his kitchen.



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