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Danny got on a one way trip back to Gotham City. He had said goodbye to his new and old friends. He had told them that he eould be back in no time.

Stan and Ford had given Danny dome gifts. Stan gave him a pocket knife, which he liked the moment he saw it. Ford gave him a ghost hunting book.

It was an original copy of one of the ghost busters hunting manual. This is one useful book that Danny will cherish. 'I'm not a nerd, I just like science. Don't judge me.'

At the moment,  Danny was sitting on a plane,  his one way ticket back to Gotham.

He could just fly back but he was tired and did not want to use the rest of his strength.

He was sleeping and drooling in one of the farther back seats on the plane. What could he say, he was exhausted. 

That was until a kid started poking his face from the seat behind him. Danny was starting to get very annoyed and if the kid wouldn't stop he might just strangle him.

Though he was stressed Danny neede to keep his less he get put back in the crack house.

'Just a few more hours of this, I'll be fine. I will... Maybe. I might even be able to make it back before Halloween.'

The kid behind him kept on Danny's face. He hated this, why could he just leave the annoyed halfa alone.

The kid kept on doing it and Danny just kept on swatting his hand away.

Next thing he knew the kid had slapped him. Danny shot up, and yelled. "Stop touching me you little brat!"

The kid started whining, and all the other people on the plane started to stare at him.

'This was going to be a long flight... At least the kid stopped. Thats the least of my worries.'

Danny thought as slumped back into he seat and started to snore. Everyone just continued to stare at him. Then they went back to what they were doing.

This is going to be a long flight they all thought in unison. 

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