Ch. 5

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"What has Danny been doing in in there he has been in there for over an hour." Clark asked

"I don't know but I'm going to find out." Bruce goes to open the door. "If he tries to escape block him." Clark nods

Bruce turns the handle and opens the door. Danny is laying on the floor with an empty bottle of whiskey in his hand. A knife is sitting on the floor not to far away.

"I didn't know Danny drank, let alone,  whiskey." Clark says not to far away

"What's going on?" Wally asks

Dick was walking not far behind. "Woah, is that Danny?", he asks

"Looks like it. Wally I think your favorite author is an alcoholic." Bruce says

"He was my best friend too. What do you think happened to him, Clark?"

"My guess is, the world wasn't very good to him," Clark says, " Come on lets wake him up."

Clark goes to grab Danny's arm when his eyes open. He scares the shit out of all of them.

"Where am I? Who are you and what do you want with me?"

"In order," Dick says, "You're in Mt Justice headquarters. I'm Dick, this is Bruce, Wally, and Clark." He said gesturing to them with his hand.

"We just want you to get off the floor," Clark finishes.

"Fine I'll get off the floor but you just got to help me up."

Clark reaches out his hand and Danny takes it. "Are you an alcoholic?"

"What's it to ya, why do you even care?"

"I was just asking a simple question, don't need to get all defensive on me."

"Sorry, got any advil, my head is killing me... Oh and can bring me to the nearest couch. I got a lot of writing to do."

"Here take this," Clark says as he gives a bottle of advil to Danny

"Yeah thanks."

"No problem, Now come this way."

"Okay,"Danny says as he grabs his bag of the floor and follows Clark down the hall.

"What do you think exactly happened to Mr. Fenton?" Dick asks 

"I don't know but were going to find out." Bruce says


Clark brings Danny into the living room/ kitchen. Danny goes and sits on the couch. He takes his laptop out of bags.

Before he starts typing away at his computer, he goes into the kitchen. He takes out a glass from cupboard and fills it with water. Then he takes out two capsules from the advil container.

Danny puts the two capsules of advil in his water. He then drinks the water with the teo capsules. 

He places the cup in the sink and then goes back to the couch and sits down. He opens his computer again and then he starts to type.

'Hello Daniel' a voice in his head says

N-no your not real, shutup

'I am real Daniel'

No your not

'Yes I am and sooner or later you will turn into me, it is matter of time'

Now you sound like Clockwork, and I will not turn into you

'Ppleasse, Daniel you are me!'

"Stut up!" Danny nearly yells. His eyes were glowing green.

"Get out of my head! You sadistic bastard."

'Never I am The Dan Phantom and I'm not going anywhere'


End of another chapter

Hope ya'll liked it


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