Introducing Everyone

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Sergio Esteban : Alias; The Black killer (not racist it's just his colour as you can tell the names are colour coded) Code Name; Miguel McClain

Weapon Specialty: Anything As Long As It Kills

Age: Mid-Forties

How He Looks: Has Short Black Hair, with Hazel eyes and is about 6'5, and he's buff.

Who He Is: The Chairman of the Esteban killers passed down from his dad, the best Assassin in Assassin history, Merciless assassin who will do anything to protect his family, 1 year after losing his wife he adopted Lorenzo, very nice to family, trust no one after what happened with his wife,

Lorenzo Alejandro Nicolas Camillio Esteban : Alias; Blu, Code name; Lance McClain

Weapon Specialty: Long Distance Weapons and Lances (get it 😉)

Age: 17

How He Looks: Lanky, Has short brown hair, sea blue eyes, and is about 6'4, long legs like Violetta and dark skin.

Who He Is: 2nd best assassin from the Esteban Killers, The oldest son of Sergio Esteban, was adopted when he was 10 by Sergio Esteban after his parents died at the age of 4, joined the Esteban assassins when he was 14 after....something happened (you'll find out what if you continue reading), Was sent to the garrison to assassinate Sam holt, has a tough background which you'll find out more about in future chapters, has 3 siblings

Violetta Luna Esteban : Alias; Purple, Code name; Lunette McClain

Weapon Specialty: Throwing Swords and Battle Axes

Age: 17

How She Looks: Has long auburn curly hair which is usually put into a high ponytail, has sea green eyes and dark skin. She's 6'2 with long legs.

Who She Is: Lorenzo's younger sister by 3 months, 3rd best Esteban assassin, Sergio Esteban's first blood child, Started the assassin business at the age of 8, looking to avenge her mother who died 8 years ago

Mateo Emiliano Esteban : Alias; Yellow, Code name; Eliano McClain

Weapon Specialty: Brass Knuckles and Gauntlets

Age: 15

How He Looks: Short chestnut brown hair , 6'2 also has hazel eyes and dark skin with freckles.

Who He Is: Second youngest Esteban, Joined at the age of 8, looking for his moms murderer,

Rosado Catalina Esteban : Alias; Pink. Code name; Caitlynn McClain

Weapon Specialty: Swords and Melee Weapons

Age: 8

How She Looks: Has long straight black hair that's usually in pigtails, has freckles and sea green eyes, 52.5" and is dark skinned.

Who She Is: Youngest Esteban, joined 2 months ago, doesn't remember her mom,


Takashi Shirogane AKA Shiro : A 25 year old male in the Galaxy garrison who got sent to Kerberos with 2 other people Sam and Matt Holt, he got captured by the notorious Galra, an evil alien race who destroys everything in there path. During his capture he got put in gladiator rings and had his right arm taken by druids and it got replaced with a Galran cybernetic prosthetic arm, 1 year later he escaped with the help of an undercover galra. He landed on Earth near the Galaxy Garrison and woke up with amnesia and a serious case of PTSD. Black paladin

Keith Akira Kogane AKA Keith : A 18 year old male in the Galaxy Garrison he was/is the best fighter pilot in the garrison and has a brotherly(sorry sheith shippers) relationship with Shiro, who helped him get into the Garrison. He was Shiro's rescuerer when he crash landed back on Earth, he was also the one who discovered the Blue lion in the desert which lead them to going to space. after going to space he found out he was half galra and met his mom. Red Paladin

Lorenzo AKA Lance McClain (fake background story) AKA lance : A 17 year old male who came to the Galaxy Garrison after being "inspired" by his "hero" Takashi shirogane, he was on the roof after following pidge with his friend Hunk to see what "he" was up to. When they were up there they heard Alien talk and saw a ship crash, the ship that crashed was the one Shiro was on and Pidge, Hunk, and him were going to rescue him but then Keith came so they ended up rescuing him all together, they ended up at a old desert shack and they then went to explore the caves that keith's been feeling energy from. They found the Blue lion which then took them to space where he acted like a flirtatious, stupid, guy. Blue paladin

Katie Holt AKA pidge gunderson : 16 year old girl who infiltrated the Galaxy Garrison after finding out that her brother Matt Holt was "dead" not believing them and hacking into there computers to see what really happened but she got banned from ever going anywhere near the Garrison so she cut her hair, crossdressed as a boy and made a fake name "Pidge Gunderson" so that she'd still be able to hack in and get more information, when she was on the roof listening to alien chatter hunk and Lance came and they then saw the ship crash she came along with them to help Shiro and ended up also going into space with Hunk, Shiro, Keith, and Lance. She is still looking for her brother and dad, and has told everyone her actual gender. Green Paladin

Tsuyoshi "Hunk" Garett AKA Hunk : 17 year old male who joined the Galaxy Garrison in hopes of becoming an engineer, which he did but during one of Lance's "bonding time" while they were going to get Pidge they saw "him" sneaking of to the roof. They followed him and found out that apparently they're aliens coming a little after that they saw what looked like a huge meteorite but it was actually a ship holding Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and him all went down to rescue him and saw keith already there and they came along with him to an old desert shack where he built a device that maps out sound waves. the device helped them find the blue lion which then took them all to space. Yellow Paladin


Allura Princess Of Altea AKA Allura : The Princess of Altea which is now destroyed thanks to the Galra Empire and Zarkon who betrayed them, She is one of the Few alteans left alive in the Whole universe and is also the key to the Lions. CastleShip Pilot

Coran Hieronymus Wimbleton Smythe AKA Coran : Coran is Princess Allura's Advisor and the ships engineer he is also one of the few Alteans alive, he's very important to voltron seeing as hes not only an engineer but hes also there medic. Allura's Advisor

word count (1098)

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