The New Paladins

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"H-How? He could have gotten much stronger who knows what he's been doing within those 10,000 deca-pheobs.....We must find the lions and find their new
Paladins!" She said with a determined expression.

"Um, excuse me? Princess? I think we already have the Blue Paladin, Lance here-" Shiro said pointing towards Lance "-piloted the Blue Lion all the way here from Earth."

"Is that so? Then maybe the Blue Lion brought you all here for a reason, perhaps we've already found our Paladins Coran." Allura said full of hope.

"I agree princess. I cannot read quintessence as well as you can but they do seem compatible!" Coran said with a bright smile.

"Ok then let me tell which lions belong to each one of you.
The Black lion requires someone who'll lead others with care and pride that is why you;Shiro will be the Black Paladin.

The Green lion requires one with great talent and a mind to match which is why you;Pidge will be the Green Paladin.

The Yellow lion requires one with tons of strength and  a bigger, caring heart to match which is why  you; Hunk will be the fly the Yellow lion

The Blue Lion requires one-" Allura got cut off with Lance interrupting saying, "Lemme guess the handsomest and strongest pilot on the team? Yeah I know!~"

"-Ok...Well the red lion requires one with agility and speed, someone who relies on instinct it is also the most difficult lion to pilot which is why; Keith is suitable as the Red Paladin. Sadly I have not found it yet........but its only natural after 10,000 deca-pheobs the castle may need some work!" She finished with a bright smile afterwards.

*I year  later (Cause I'm a lazy bitch)
Lance pov

It's 2 in the morning everyone being fast asleep except for me. How could I? When I needed to train at my actual level 64, instead of at a baby level like level 10, so that I don't get weaker over my time in space.

I slowly got up from my bed and changed into my paladin armour, I then quickly and quietly ran down to the training room. Once I was inside I yelled out "Start Level 64!" and 30 gladiators came dropping down from the roof. I formed my bayard as a Ak-47 and started shooting at them hitting 10 of them in the head but them still not disappearing. I wasn't surprised though, ever since level 40 it took 3 shots in the head before they went away.

I then changed my bayard form from a AK-47 to a cross bow and shot out 5 quick shots at a time hitting five more of the bots in the head, I felt the presence of a bot behind me and ducked down swiping my leg out to knock it down. I used my crossbow and shot it in the head this time it vanished below me.

Huh must've been one I hit with my AK-47 and crossbow

I thought before quickly ducking to the left to avoid getting hit by one of the gladiators staff, I then changed the form of my bayard to a lance, having unlocked many different weapons and even being able to use a ball and chain and a sword, I found myself surrounded by the remaining 29 gladiators who were slowly advancing some with staffs and others with nothing but their bare hands. 

I ran towards one, jumped up high and smashed my lance down onto its head it then vanished. Afterwards the other gladiators ran towards me trying to hit me, but I avoided most hits and managed to take them out after 2 hours with a few scratches and bruises on my ribs, this being one of the hardest levels I've faced.

After finishing the level I left feeling disappointed in myself for not managing to finish the level faster, I reached my room and looked at the small alarm clock Pidge made for the whole team
so that no one would be late for breakfast (which was also a bonding time for the team) in the morning after I was late, on purpose may I add, the first 10 times.

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