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Keith's POV 

"Uh who are you guys?"

Ugh why are more people here, just get lost so I can save Shiro already.

"That's not important right now, we have to go before they get back." Lance answered

"Is there enough room for all of us?", The big guy asked

"No, but since you guys are here we have to get going." I answered his question with a sigh.

They all got on with me, Lance sitting right behind me while holding Shiro, the short guy next to him and the big one sitting on the tail.

"Can't this thing go any faster?!" The big dark-skinned teen asked worriedly.

"Yeah as soon as we lose the extra weight...." I said annoyed

The big guy started looking around for anything that's unneeded and then yelled "Hey that's not nice!" When he realized I was talking about him and his supposed friends.

**************************************(Time skip to when they've found the Blue lion and are in the castle cause this point I'm basically just redoing episodes 1 and 2)**************************

Lance's POV

I heard Pidge give an amazed gasp at the alien tech while I was looking around when all of a sudden two pod like things big enough to hold  a person came up from the castles floors from in front of where I was standing, the pod closest to me opened and out fell a girl?                             With elf ears, white hair, pink tattoo things underneath her eyes, and a crown.

"Father!" She yelled as she fell into my arms, the girl then opened her eyes and asked "Who are you?! Where am I?!

"I'm Lance and your right here in my arms." I said flirting while giving her a wink, making sure to keep my cascade up.

"Your ears....." She said with a confused voice.

"Yeah?"I answered curious to what'd happen next.  

"What's wrong with them they're hideous?!" She yelled,  

"Nothing's wrong with them they heard everything you said!" I answered                                                  while she moved to grab my ear to pin me down. I saw through the move before she even reached my ear and was about to dodge until I remembered that 'Lance McClain' ,my fake persona, couldn't fight and instead stayed still, 100% prepared for what was going to happen next.

She pinned my down while I gave fake groans of pain to make it seem as though she was actually doing any damage, when in truth it felt like nothing but a little pinch.

Ugh, this is tiresome I could've been done with this girl 'hurting' me if I didn't have to play as a dumb, weak, flirtatious guy.

The girl once again started yelling "How'd you get in here?! Who are you people?!" 

"I don't know a giant blue lion brought us here!" I said

  "Whoa, whoa, we mean no harm but i'm sure that if you can tell us who you are, we could try and help you..." Shiro said to make her let go of me.

I got up and and held my ear in fake pain while listening to her speak "I'm Princess Allura of Altea" she said with authorization afterwards Shiro continued to speak naming us off starting with himself

"I'm Takashi Shirogane but everyone calls me Shiro, the guy you attacked is Lance McClain........"

Is all I heard before I started to drift off going deep into my thoughts.....

 No one really knows me I've made so many fake friends that only know me for my fake self but, no one really knows the real me, no one other then my family knows my name, my personality, or my sexuality.....so doesn't that mean I don't really have any friends, I don't have anyone to count on, no one to have my back....sigh....being an assassin is lonely. I wish I had just one real friend, someone I could really count on, someone I could spill all my deepest fears, my deepest secrets with, someone who knew everything about me......

".....And the big guy with the bandana is Hunk" I heard Shiro finish our introductions when the other pod opened and out fell an alien with the same elf ears and coloured tattoos underneath his eyes, he had ginger coloured hair and a gorgeous moustache he also looked to be in his early-forties. Upon Falling out of the pod he saw me and immediately yelled "ENEMY COMBATANTS"

and before I knew it we were engaged in a weird show of what we'd do to each other if he didn't have  a case of 'sleep chamber knees' whatever the fuck that is....

"Coran....." I heard Allura say sadly.

Huh so the weird old dude with the gorgeous moustache is called Coran...

"Yes my princess." Coran answered "Coran...w-we've been asleep for 10,000 Deca-phoebe's.....A-Altea, my f-father, all of the Alteans t-they're...all gone, Coran we're the last Alteans alive....." She sobbed and then looked angry and said "Zarkon!"

"Did you say Zarkon?" Shiro asked. "Yes Zarkon the Galran emperor he's merciless and cruel he's also the one who destroyed Altea!" Allura said even more pissed than before. 

"I-I know him I was his prisoner..." Shiro said horrified. "He's still alive!? Impossible!" Allura said in surprised terror.

This was a little rushed sorry, but I hope you like it so far it's all stuff that's happened in the actual episodes but some more exciting stuff will be happening soon.

(word count 899)

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